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got the hots for her but as always shes become a friend

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Hi guys,


I got to know this girl a while back, and was immediately attracted to her, but being the person i am, i wasnt as forward as i should've been and didnt make a move or whatever. instead i got to know her as a friend(mainly online) and now its annoying because if i make a move it could ruin our friendship. I think she would probly be interested but i need to find out first because shes a difficult person to read-she is quite flirtacious but its just a case of getting into flirt mode without coming accross too strong or freaking her out. does any1 have any advice on either how to go about it or what to say that will help me find out wether she likes me or not subtlely whilst still keeping a state of constant flirting if you know what i mean. I talk to her most on myspace or msn, but occasionally see her in person at random parties we go too (we have the same friends). i have her number also, but dont neccessarily ever call her to chat randomly, maybe il send her a text from time to time. and also i'm not interested in a one night stand or whatever i like her for something more long term. any1 got any ideas?







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hey phill

I really don't know what you can do here? ok first of all are you guys really close, for example I have a fiend whom I really liked and was attracted to the first day I met her(never asked her out because of the reason you didn't, I am shy and way too nice with women, not looking to get laid or anything of that nature either, just long time relationship ).. and as the time went by we got really close, so close that we told each other the history of our dates .. love life.. and so on. I got to a point were I said to myself like myself "she is a very close friend and now I can never ask her out and see if we can move this to the next level. however she was 2 years older then i was and so that was always something thept kept me from asking her out. so tell me more about your situation.. do you see signs from her that you know she might be thinking about the same thing as you do or not?


Hope this helps..

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we are not close close friends, like its not as deep as you said you are with your friend. like i said she might be interested, i'm not sure, i want to know how i can find that out. i'm not asking how to ask her out, im asking how to find out if she might be interested without putting myself accross too strongly. and no i am not going to ask her out the sooner the better because i need to find out whether its worth it first.



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Hi Phil, this is going to sound obvious, but flirt. Flirting allows two people to let each other know how they feel without having to come right out and say it. If you're not used to flirting, it may seem like a highly emotionally risky thing to do, but in actuality it's low risk. Flirting isn't coming on too strongly. It's having fun and letting someone know we find them attractive. If she likes you, you'll be able to see it in her body language and in her actions towards you. If she isn't attracted it'll become readily apparent after a few attempts.


While flirting pay attention to her body language. Does she warm to you after a few minutes? Does she seem excited when you enter the room? Does she face towards you or does she tend to look annoyed or look away when you're talking? Does she laugh heartily and seem to really enjoy your jokes (whether or not they're funny)? Is she blushing? Flirting back? Touching your affectionately on the arm? leg? back? face? hair? Does she talk about wanting to bear you children? (Um... if so, you probably don't need any more of our advice.... Have fun!)

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