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She's Overseas... Was cold with me last night

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Hey Everyone,


I met a really nice girl, and we fell in love and had a really good 2 months together ( ) but she already had overseas tickets booked, as she's studying in Argentina for 3-4 years.


I've been speaking with her via email/phone every 3 days because she was in India for 2 weeks. Now she's in London and is living with a guy she shared a room with for 4mths in Argentina last time she was there. Apparently there is nothing going on between the two, however he did kiss her last time (supposedly spur of the moment thing).


Anyway, she got on MSN last night for the first time and I was on too. She messaged me, said hello, but seemed to take ages to reply to me (assuming she was speaking to others). She quickly said that he was different now, and that he's more open about his feelings. And that she's different too. She sorta spoke to me for about 10mins, and then she says (got to go.. going for a walk. see you later, i'll be on same time tomorrow night).


This is after her saying 3 days before she misses me and it upsets her thinking about it. And that God was giving her signs that we're meant to be together. She sleeps with my photo under her pillow etc. etc. But you'd think she'd rather talk to me than go for A WALK!


I'm really disappointed and hurt. I don't know what to think. I was so excited to see her online.



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Don't worry, it is perfectly natural to have feeling that she might do something behind your back. If you say that she is so nice, and she has been honest with you, trust her. Only when she does something to lose your trust should you call her on it.


Just try to stay busy, and feel things out with her if you think you still are worried. You have a right to know what is going on if you two are together.

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