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i cant believe this is really over

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well he isnt taking my calls. or emailing me. or texting me. i guess we are really over. i was totally blindsided...i didnt see this coming. i was preparing to move with this summer. we talked everyday....i swore eternal love to him. he was my best friend.

and now...pooof...nothing. i dont know how i could have missed this.

i was being pathetic...calling like 5 times and leaving long voice mail messages....he didnt return a single one. i just cant believe he's gone.

i hope if i leave him alone with time and space...he will come back. i feel so lost....this is my last card to play though...and its not a fun one.

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hey ivy, I'm so sorry. It's really tough when you don't expect it. You must be in shock and feeling like all your dreams have been shattered. Please keep posting and venting on here. We're here to support you.


You're right that the best thing to do is give him his time and space. I hope things work out for you. I'm really sorry that you're dealing with this again. My heart goes out to you. Don't blame yourself though or think that you're pathetic. It's not pathetic to be in love or to be devastated when that love is taken away, you're just as normal and human as all of us.

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Well, I think your best course of action is to hurt this one out and prepare for the next one. Situations of being "shocked" and "blindsided" like this can leave you very gun-shy for future relationships if you don't fully let the experience go...


So don't hide from the pain, face it, hurt deeply, and then start anew with someone else down the road...because there will surely be someone else for you to love like this who won't run away like he did, void of the decency to talk to you about it...

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So don't hide from the pain, face it, hurt deeply, and then start anew with someone else down the road...because there will surely be someone else for you to love like this who won't run away like he did, void of the decency to talk to you about it...


well said frisco!


msomaniac..sorry to hear about your breakup..I read your story a few days ago and about how the tension was building up.. hang in there!!

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Well, you have been on here long enough to know what I am going to say.


Save your last card for yourself.



That's good.....save your last card for yourself.....I need to remember that one. I'm gonna TRY to leave the (sinking) relationship I'm in with some dignity and save the last card for ME.

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