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No chance she'll like me

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I've liked this girl for 6 months now. I have never talked to her. She already caught me staring at her. But I don't think there is one chance of me being with her. I'm shy, she's outgoing. I'm fat, she's thin. I'm hispanic, she's white.

I don't know how to start a conversation with her .

I'm too scared of going up and talk to her. I need help.


I also would like tips for losing weight. I tried everyting, but nothing seems to work.

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Life is too short to be scared man. You've mentioned some things you don't like about yourself...what about those things you do like about yourself? You've got to be fair and take the good with the bad...


And guess what bro? She's not perfect herself. Maybe if you keep that point in mind, that she has plenty of faults too, you won't be so scared in talking to her. She's just like you man. She probably has her own insecurities and I'll bet that she thinks she's fat too! They all do!


I think you're putting this girl on a pedestal right now and that is causing anxiety for you...


When you approach her, approach her as a friend rather than someone trying to get with her. Even if you are trying to get with her, not thinking about it like that will help you...


You should wait until she's alone and just go up to her and ask her how her day is going. Do you have anything in common? Something to connect you two?


As for the weight loss, as long as you're healthy and living good with a good diet and exercise, it's not a bad thing. People are built differently. Look at Biggie Small...he got a lot of ladies and he was a big guy...

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oh and some advice, if you talk to her alone, and she seems kinda distant or mean or something, she might just be surprised that your talking to her when she doesnt know you, try talking to her again if she does do that, cuz this one guy justin did that to me, and i was accidentally reeeally mean to him cuz i was so surprised, but he talked to me again like the next day so i had a chance to apologize, now were great friends

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But I don't think there is one chance of me being with her. I'm shy, she's outgoing. I'm fat, she's thin. I'm hispanic, she's white.

I don't know how to start a conversation with her .

I'm too scared of going up and talk to her. I need help.


Me and a girl I almost ended up with: I was shy, she was outgoing. I'm thin, shes on the big side. Same race, but different in a lot of other aspects. And yet, we still liked each other and things got pretty close before circumstances derailed us. So the differences doesn't have to spell disaster. People are attracted to all kinds of different people. And there is a good chance she could be attracted to you.


Going up and starting a conversation with a girl is scary. It's hard for people much older. But the only way to do it is to do it. You need to see that you are a good person, focus on your strengths. Don't count yourself out before you even talk to her. Just try to relax, remember all the good qualities you have and why she will want to talk to you, and then go up and say the magic opening line.... hi. Introduce yourself. Ask about a class, an event thats coming up, etc. Be nice and polite. Try to get to know it. It's going to go fine.

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Just doing it is your key. If you don't talk to her, you know you will regret it. Sadly, it's as difficult as you believe it will be. The productive way to accomplish is to face the fear and converse with her. Do it with preperation if you have to. If it goes bad, forget it. Benefit yourself and learn from it and focus on the next challenge.

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I agree with friscodj. That was a really positive reply.


javier_h6, they say oppersites attract. If everyone was the same it would be really borring.


Just be yourself. If she likes you she'll accept you as you are and if she doesn't then she'd be a very shallow person and you deserve better than that.


As said before she has insecurites too. Try saying hello to her and smiling and see how she responds. Take a breath before talking to her that really helps if you're neavous because you're voice will sound more calm and your voice sounds more even.


Take little steps upto full conversations. Start with saying hey and if she seems open around you talk about little things and build it up from there. Maybe remember something she's mentioned and talk about that or something she's shown interest in.


Don't be so hard on yourself! You are perfect as you are and it's only the fear of talking to this girl that's holding you back so go for it! You don't have to ask her out straight way, just do little things a day till you build up some confidence.

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the ultimate tip if you are uncomfortable with you being overweight:


Eat less than you consume.


How you do that? there's no easy way, but you need to cut everything containing a lot of calories, and then you need to exercise, like run, walk everywhere.

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