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a simply complex question

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well this has been a while. at least, since i've joined. updating the readers on how i've been. it hasn't gotten any better. only worse. unfortunately.

a few days ago i decided i trusted one of my good friends enough to tell them about my problem with cutting. well now she's telling me to tell my parents within two weeks or else she's determined to tell them for me. note: she's 20, so she has that power to drive over anytime. and i'm only 3/4 her age.

i'm afraid, but i think if i were my parents, i'd rather have me tell them rather than a friend. so i decided today, that i'm going to tell them.

my head hurts even thinking about how they're going to react. how do u think they're going to react?

but now i'm having second thoughts, like maybe they should know. i want to stop. i need to. it's gotten to be real bad...i just dont want to go on like this anymore...


but i need help. i dont know when, or how i'm gonna tell them. any suggestions?

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In my opinion you should tell them. If you don't you'll just worry about it more. Your parents would probably be glad you came to then versus being told by a friend. It'll be hard though.


Whatever you do, don't keep making excuses because that just sucks. You won't know how they'll feel about it unless you tell them. Whatever your decision, good luck!

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hey there...


I would have to say that you should tell them.... parents are weird - you learn this a little more when you get older...lol.


Honestly, parents (well most parents) truly care for their kids deep down - as harsh as they may come accross at times or pissed off at things you do. They may be shocked initially - but trust me, they will quickly do all they can to help out... they MAY hover around you a bit at first, watching out for you... but thats there way of showing they care and are concerned - dont take it the wrong way. They may be confused at first and want to ask a ton of questions - if they do answer the best you can, it will help them and you understand more clearly how they can help out - they are not prying into your life


My sugestion however would be to do it earlier in the day - maybe even a weekend. I say this only because its not dinner conversation, and it is a bit of a heavy topic to go to bed on. Weekdays are nice, cause it might give you a chance to get out after the convo and get to school and away from what just transpired... but it might be a little much for them to go and face work after - tough call... you know yourself and parents best.


dont procrastinate - the longer you think about something and dont do it, the harder it is to do.... just suck it up (as hard as that is to do) and let them know you need to have a 'quick' chat with them (it may not be quick, but it will help keep you calmer and keep them a little more at ease going into it).


Honestly... they will gain ALOT of respect for you by opening up this way to them - and gain alot of trust with them.


good luck!

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