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My bf told me yesterday that he couldn't be with me anymore. Over the past two months our relationship has been strained anyway. I hadn't seen him in two months until yesterday. I had sent him an email and in it I said some really mean things. It hurt him alot and he told me it brought back memories from ex wife. He said he couldn't let himself fall into that situation again. He couldn't let his heart be hurt again. He refused to tell me that he didn't love me anymore or that he didn't want me anymore. He still cares but he won't go back on his decision. After yesterday I doubt that we'll have any contact again. He finally got another job and a decent car and now he ready to move on. I guess it would have been easier on me if he had just said he didn't care anymore. But he didn't. I know that this relationship is over. How do I stop loving him and stop crying? How do I move on? Where do I find the courage to believe in love again?

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It takes time for the hurt to go down and to move on, just take it one step at a time and don't let your life stop. Keep doing your own thing, try new things....


Just give it time, you will love again, you will find someone, it just never seems like you will at the time but you will!! It may not be tomorrow or the next day but it'll happen.

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I must agree, its only been a day. You need time to heal...and you will prob. feel pretty down for awile. It is important that you take that time though! Stay active and spend time with friends....you will feel a little better day by day. And don't be discouraged when you have a tough day, you love him...it is bound to be hard.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm sorry to hear that about your boyfriend, but sometimes everything is for a reason. Maybe the two of you had to break up just so that he can realize what he had and lost...but this will come with time. If you were meant to be together, i really believe that you will be. It would help if meanwhile you will start occupying your time so that you won't have much time to think of him and the whole situation cause it can completely mess you up if you pay too much attention to it. Try to find out what he's up to, and maybe still keep in touch now and then, but make him understand you were hurt by his actions. My BF lives in Alabama too, and your post just captured my attention so i wanted to write. I don't know what your bf's reason might have been to break up, maybe you should try to find out every single possible reason.

So, best of luck to you, and try not to think of him too much, unless he gives signs of improvement.

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