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i deperatly need break up advice.

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hi...i signed up to this board just to ask this so please someone help me.

me(i'm a guy) and my girlfriend of a year and 4 months just broke up. now, she would get very very angry at me for very small things and she has a bad temper problem and is quick to say she hates me. we had a very big argument about this. she does things like this quite often at least once a week. during this big argument, i decided and i told her that i would leave her if she gets mad at me for things that are not even remotely my fault just one more time. she said she wouldn't do that again. now let me state that sometimes she is just the sweetest angel in the world. and then she turns into satan and hurts me and others. so, 3 days pass and she is ok. then she gets mad at me again for extremely silly things. she gets extremely mad you see. she stabbed me with a fork in the leg even. so i dumped her. a day later, she wants me back very bad and she PROMISES change over and over. she guarrentees it. i already gave her a chance. so i'm still mad and i start to talk to other girls. there's another girl(girl #2) who i think would like to date me but i'm not 100% sure if she likes me enough. girl #2 is a lot better to me. but nevertheless, i'm still in love with girl #1. she is beyond sweet at one moment and horrible the next. she has a bad temper problem.

here's my choices:



i love girl #1...but i don't believe she'll change, although she says she will and i would like that very much if she did change though

i want girl #2 also and i think we can have an amazing relationship because i've known her for years.

i am sick of the way girl #1 treats me...but if i go back out with her and she doesn't change i'm screwed completely b/c i'm sure that girl #2 will not want me(trust me..i don't want to post the reason but you have to believe me) after i go back with girl #1 and then break up again


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if i go back out with girl #1 and she changes that would be great but i still feel something for girl #2


if i go out with girl #2, then girl #1 will be miserable and alone


if i go out with girl #1 and she doesn't change...then we will break up and i will also have lost girl #2


i want girl #2 b/c i don't believe girl #1 will change.

that's what i want to do but i still feel bad about leaving girl #1 although she is mean to me because she is nice sometimes too


btw, sorry for re-posting but after i read it i felt i didn't quite get the point accross..


PLEASE PLEASE reply i'm desperate. i need all the advice i can get please!!

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Well it sounds like you have a tough situation on your hands. I wish I had two girls that wanted me lol jk. Ok well I think you should first ask girl #1 why you should give her another chance. Tell her that you gave her a second chance and she didn't change. Ask her why the promise she is making to you now is any different than the one she made to you before. If you are not totally satisfied with the answer, I would go with girl #2. I know you don't want to forget about girl #1, but one thing that you must understand is many people cannot be changed no matter what you do. They can make numerous promises to you, but 9 times out of 10 they will end up breaking that promise just because they are being the way they are. I wish girl #1 would learn to control her temper, but if that is what caused your breakup, than maybe you two are just not ment to be. I hope you strongly consider this advice but just remember one thing, advice is not everything. To find the answers, you must look inside yourself and ask yourself which girl do you really love....Hope everything works out for ya!

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Personally I think you did the right thing at drawing the line with the whole fork stabbing. I honestly believe if someone really cared about you, and didn't have other "issues", they would not try to physically attack you like that. Personally, I think you should give her time to figure herself out, date girl 2 and see where that goes.


Your gf is not going to change overnight...in fact, dumping her may help her further realize the error of her ways and maybe change her.

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There's the same problem here........

Look, break up with her! I know it'll hurt, but not for long, start meeting other girls, and you will forget about ur #1 faster. Break up with her today/tomorrow, cuz she'll never change! Trust me! I've known several relationships/marriage like that, none of them ended up good, so break up now!

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i just wanna thank everyone for helping me out...

i am now going out with girl #1 because i figured i'd just go ahead and give her 1 last freaking chance..girl #2 is currently not talking to me...maybe i can change that and get her to be my back-up in case something happens with girl #1...i know that sounds bad but i don't want to be alone and hopefully girl #1 will change and everything will be ok...thanks everybody you guys rule

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