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My mom is sooooooo strict...ADULTS REPLY also teens too

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My mom is so strict. Im 16 female. My mom never lets me do anything, she always accuses me of stuff that i dont even do. She spies on me when im at birthday parties. She wont let me have a boyfriend, and not even talk to guys or look at them. Shell be like stop looking and its serious too. She picks all my friends, she has to like them inorder for me to hang out with them. The latest i can stay out till is like 9:30 - 10. She doesnt want me going to late movies. My 12 yr old sister is allowed doing more stuff than me! Neways in grade 9 i was allowed doing alotta stuff until she found out i had a boyfriend and things got wayyyyy outta control so i took 15 extra strenght tylenols...i dont no why she just pissed me off and i knew it wouldnt kill me, but ever since then i cant go NEWHERE. she said she knew a person and theyre daughter did the same thing and now shes apparently not allowed to go anywhere...but i dont believe her (she makes things up alot). Please help, i feel like such a loser,i have to lie to my friends saying i went some other place. Oh and the other day i wasnt allowed going to the movies with my friend becuase she had a BOYFRIEND! how sad is that My friends mom thinks my mom is a total pysco and doesnt want her coming over here. I feel so isolated. HELP ME PLEASE.....ESPECIALLY ADULTS REPLY[/b]

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I'm only 19, and after my first year of college, I moved out of my house. I can assure you that I'm not out of control, because if I was there would be no way that I would be able to support myself. Anyways, just show some responsibility around the house. Obviously I don't know how that is since I don't live there, but just do things without being told, don't complain, act grown up, and she'll eventually treat you like one. They say, "What goes around comes around," and that is exactly what should happen if you mellow out a bit. Good luck though!



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I agree with craig show some responsiblity and maybe try to have a serious talk(not fight) with your mom to try and make some common ground. mothers are very protective of there children some more so then others and sometimes they don't reallize that when they are too protective that they are only pushing you away but you need to let her know that what she is doing to you is making you feel like you can't make your own decisions or figure things out on your own tell her that you aren't going to go out and have sex with every guy you see or go out and get wasted. tell her you just want to go out and have a good time with friends with her trust

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She is deathly afraid you will not make the right choices. You prob. really scared her with that action you spoke of...really want to make things change? Sounds funny, but ask her if the two of you can go to counseling with one another. There she will be able to see you are ready to have a life....and she will have encouragement from the counselor as well. Trust! Changing things around the house is fine, and she will appreciate the effort, but given why she is so scared, you must do more than this.... you must find a way for her to explore the way she feels, and have an outside party to make her see what she is doing...she is not letting go at all...and she must if she wants you to grow.... Take her; you will get what you need...which is a better relationship with your mom.

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hm. i'm 14 and i'm having the same prob. but im younger. i'm aloud to date when im 16 as long as my parents meet him. i am sorry for your mom,i thought my parents were the worst! stay outta trouble for awhile and like they said, be as responsible as you can. try to be nice and resspectful (very hard at timeS!) but it wil gain or regain their trust. then if you let your mom meet a guy, that will cooperate, you will prob. be able to go on a date. good luck


this is my stepmom---->

this is me when she turns around-----.

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I agree with segagirl, your Mum loves you and you really scared her with what you did. Try to talk with her and make sure you both have a chance to say what you feel (make sure you both get a chance to speak and don't interrupt each other!) If that doesn't work, which is may not go for a third party to help. A counsellor maybe the best option.


Your Mum is really worried for you, it is hard to see and she may not be doing it right but there is no manual for being a parent just as there is no manual for being a daughter

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Your mother is being protective of her daughter, because she loves you and cares about/for you. Your attempted OD on pills demonstrated that you aren't ready for responsibility. "I knew it wouldn't kill me," that's right you did it to make people feel sorry for you, a very childish thing to do. Maybe once you try to start acting more grown up, you mother will treat you like a grown up.

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  • 4 years later...

My wife and I are strict with our kids.


We think it is good for kids to have clear boundaries and to be restricted by them. During term time, they have to wear school uniform even at home or if we go out Monday through thursday evenings. They are not allowed out socially on those nites. On Friday nite they can go to church youth group and it finishes at 10pm and they have to be in bed by 11pm. School nights it is 9:30pm.


If they want to go out on the weekend they have to ask if they can go and we insist that they call and ask their friends parents. They must tell us where they are going and if the plan changes they must call to ask if it is OK. If it is not then they come straight home.



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  • 3 weeks later...

omg, i totally am going through the same thing you are .

i understand 10007595 percent .

my mom is physco & she calls all my friends * * * * s .

im looking for advice too , but right now all i can say

is your not alone, i know what it feels like .

good luck !

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