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old female friend


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Man Im a mess, but here I go again. Lol. I have known this one girl since I was 14. We hang out and drink together. One time a few years back we were pretty drunk and she was feeling playful and pulled my shirt up and starting writing such phrases as "flaco rico" all over my bare chest (spanish for hot thin guy). Anyhow I had the feeling she was into me so I went in for a kiss and was pushed away. Maybe i went about it the wrong way but who knows. I felt horrible. but we remained friends anyway. Well we kinda lost contact and then we started hanging out a few weeks ago again. Well I noticed her hanginng out with me alot more. One time while she was around I was discussing my issues with overweight women and how I am put off by just a few extra pounds. She then says "so I dont have a chance?" but I disregarded what she said and laughed it off. Well a week later were in my apartment drinking and she asks if she could spend the night at my place (meanwhile she lives not even two blocks away and I could have easily just walked her home). Well were sitting around drinking and she would just look over at me and laugh. Made me think she had something on her mind. Well anyway, she spent the night at my place, however I didnt try anything out of fear of being pushed away again. Next day she leaves and goes home and I tell my brother and ask what he thinks of the situation. He immediately tells me that she of course wanted to hook up with me. I felt bad about letting the oppurtunity pass me by. However we speak again online and i invite her to drink at my place again and she accepts my invitation. That day comes around and I dont hear from her. I text her and called her cell. Nothing. Maybe she was tired after coming back home from work, I dunno. Im left wondering whats the deal with this girl? Is she interested? what do you folks think?

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No offence, but a woman asking me if she can stay at my place? I would take that as a sign unless she has never been remotely suggestive. Your girl has so I think she is open.


Get in touch with her, she may be feeling a little rejected right now as she did go out on a limb. Broaching this with a friend is often harder than bringing it up with a stranger. Good luck if you like her.

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