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Me and my girlfriend have been going out for about 2 going

on 3 years. She recently told me she needed a break but i

think she might be seeing someone else. Anyways i didnt want

the break but we have been going on with the break for about

a week now and i feel empty without her. She finally called my

work which me and my parents own and my mom told her i wasnt

there and that she didnt know where i was. Anyhow should i call

her back or just ignore the fact so she can now wonder what im

doing. What should i do should i call her up?

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Call her!


Just don't offer information!!! You've been busy, having fun, etc etc.


It really depends on what she has to say. I don't know her so I can't say the best way to deal with it but give her a call. Just make sure that you don't blow it by:


1) Whinning - "DON'T YOU LOVE ME!??!!?"

2) Crying - "SOB! OH GOD I MISS YOU!! GASP!"

3) Call her a liar and a whore within the first couple minutes

4) Demand to know what she was doing at 2:01am last Saturday as you drove by her place and you were sure she wasn't home!


6) Act unrealistically happy - "I'VE GOT NEW SOCKS!!"

7) Call more than the once because you want to make sure that when you said goodbye you weren't saying GOODBYE but just saying I'll see you later and later could be whenever you feel like you want to call because you want her to know that she can call anytime although it's not as if you're just waiting around for her to call because you have a life now even though she's not a part of it but you are available if she wants to do something even though you're not waiting around for her... yeah

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I gave her a call just a bit ago and she was talking to my friend

probably trying to find me or something but she did say thank you

for the stuff i got her on wednesday the vase of flowers and i didnt

think she would appreciate that but she did say thank you. We didnt

really talk about us and she said she will call me back in like 10 min

so i dont know whats going on.

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She called me back and i was talking to her for awhile and then

at the end i told her call me on my cell phone if your not doing

anything later so maybe we can go out to eat dinner and she

said ok....I can let you know some details tomorrow about all this

cause i usually stay at my friends house on fridays and saturdays

he lives about 40 min away so ill talk to you guys later. Im glad

i called her back thanks to the advice givin here....Later

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well even if you are curious bout her having someone else, don't spy her. she will find out somehow, someday. i would let her have the break she wants. if she loves you she is probably feeling empty too.?. i would wait a week and if she doesn't try to call again , call her. just to check on her and see how she is. good luck

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Well i offered her to call me last night so we can go to dinner or something which could give us a better time to talk about whats going on between us, but she didnt end up calling and the good thing was i wasnt expecting a call anyways from her if she called fine if not fine but all in all i just hope everything works out.

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