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Curious Question


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I am not sure, but having sexualized (not sex) experiences brought on a lot of guilt that was extremely painful...I don't know if it was because of my christian beliefs or if it is naturally the case. Sex is always painful in my book, except under the context of marriage...but it gets really hard to keep things that way, obviously.

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I'm not sure why it would make any difference...sex before you were married vs sex after you were married.


I'm not sure I get your question to be honest.


The only thing I can think of is like many things, the more you build something up, the greater the chance that when it actually happens you may be disappointed.

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well the pain i meant was actually like physical pain because of how tight the womens vagina might be but those responses are ok to keep them coming


Lol...I don't think that "scientifically" a women's vagina will get "tighter" with age in any sense. It's going to be the same amount of pain whether you are married or not. The only thing that really determines the amount of pain is the individual herself, how much experience she has in other sexual activities (is that too vague), and how her partner is. The only time someone gets tighter is if they have had sex, and then they don't for a while, then they might notice that they are tighter the next time they have sex. But if you're only talking about a women's first time, it's not going to make a difference if they're married or not (physically that is.. it might for some people, make a difference psychologically).

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The first time is going to physically hurt regardless of if it is before marriage or after marriage because of what is involved. The decision to wait until marriage is an emotional and spiritual one. It is, in my estimation, about saving yourself for the right person and being able to say to them that they are the only one whom you are going to share such a special, private, personal experience with. It is letting them know that you are giving yourself to them in every way - body, mind, heart, and soul. And that no one else will every have the kind of bond and connection that you are sharing. When it is with the person you love and will always be with, it won't be a disappointment.

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