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I am really really...........really happy with my bf. Were just comfortable with eachother, we find eachother funny, we can talk about anything, we are so right for eachother in every way, I still fancy the pants of him, he's the first person I slept with...I think I might love him. The thing is I cant stop thinking about this other guy I vaguely know. He's cute and all set for life (we're at uni); top notch job in the pipeline, money. I feel awful; I am so thinking of material things. Yeah maybe me and this guy could of been a couple; I liked him and he (Im pretty sure) liked me, but it didnt happen - wasnt meant to be. Also I know there's a high chance we're wrong for eachother. But its on my mind, you know what could of been. Is that bad?

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i think it's bad if you really really like him and you're leading your boyfriend on. but i think it's natural to just wonder "what if" when you're attracted to someone, even if you know you're wrong for eachother. dont worry if thats all it is. as long as you arent leading the other guy on or seriously thinkin about starting something with this guy, then its harmless... and a natural thing to think WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN

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Perhaps this other guy has qualities in a boyfriend you secretely want in the long run?


Theres nothing wrong with that, or with wanting someone who is stable and sucessful without financial problems, but don't brush your guy aside because he isn't as sucessful.


Money isn't everything- you know that. And you boyfriend has many qualities that redeem him

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