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Help not sure how to deal with self harming friend

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My friends ex I have recently found out used to self harm, and caused alot of hassle and worry for my friend. They split up because the ex has a lot of issues which she needs to sort out amongst other things. She also has a kid who also has problems.


My friend is the most loving caring person I know and understandably she worries about her ex and what she might do. Her ex is also jealous of my friend being with any1 else. I feel as tho my friend feels some responsibility towards her ex and would feel guilty if anything happened to her.


she (the ex) has been having problems dealing with her kid lately and has threatened my friend with putting her kid into care (she wanted my friend to look after him but she has got to kids of her own and they dont all get on so she said no)!


I want to be there for her, but I dont know how to deal with the situation, I have never known anyone who self harmed or had these kind of issues.


THis all happened tonight, I sent her a txt sying she wasnt responsible for her exs actions, n that maybe wud be a good thing if exs kid went into care then maybe it will push her to sort herself out I dint get a reply, not sure if I said the right thing! I tried to ring her to see if she was ok, but is just went to VM left a message saying I jus wanted to check she was ok n I was here if she wanted to chat guess I jus hav to wait now.


My questions are:


How do I be there for her in this situation?

Did I overstep the mark saying wot i did?

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I guess I'm new to the concept of people making themselves bleed from self inflicted cuts. I would convince them to see a therapist or other professional.

When children (I assume the child is a toddler or very young) are involved, everything changes. No child should have to see that kind of behaviour, but that's just my opinion.

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