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Over cystitis - Now we need to recover sexually... Help?!

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Hi guys...


If you've been following, my g/f was recently really put off sex by cystitis.


Since, we've had sex a few times, but always gently, and with lubrication... it's all she can stand.


She does get wet after we've been going awhile, but at the start, she tends to rely a lot on the lubrication...


What I'm after is something to really get her going... I regularly get her to orgasm through oral sex, but if I do this, she's usually to tender to have intercourse afterwards!! :splat:


I need people out there to tell me how to get her really, soaking wet, through foreplay, please?


I mean, I could before, but now she's still slightly afraid of sex, she never gets wet until after we've started.


Some tips please, preferably from the ladies out there, but I know the men may have some good ideas too!!


Thanks in advance!!

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I'd just recommend going REALLY slow, giving her other body parts lots and lots of attention before even touching her down there, and then continuing to do so, suck on her nipples, give her butt some attention, take off her underwear in ways that turn her on, be in positions that turn her on, basically, men have been able to get me soaking wet without even once touching my clitoris!!

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