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The question could really be the answer

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People say that if someone is really going to commit suicide that they won't tell anyone beforehand... they will just do it, and maybe leave a note behind. However if they aren't serious they will tell people to bring attention to themselves... Do you guy's agree? Do the majority of people that go ahead and do it actually let people know? Or not...


I am interested to know what you guys think on this?..

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Are you planning something?

Some just write a note and do it, some talk about it and do it, some just do it. Some don't do it. I've lost a few people that way, and each was different. I won't describe their circumstances out of respect, but they completed the job.


I don't think there's any simple explanation other than statistics, but to ignore someone's pleas for help can drive them further to the edge.


Been there, didn't do it...someone listened or I'd be another stat. Not a doubt in my mind, and I wanted no attention.

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I know that when I attempted suicide I didn't tell anyone, obviously it wasn't successful, but I had no desire to tell anyone. It was just like they will find out when they do, and because they never saw it coming they will be even more upset. I dunno, but I do agree with Dako everyone's circumstances are different.

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I guess it does depend on the person. I tend to think people say it because they want someone to step up and tell them they are cared about and would be missed. I know I have seriously contemplated ending my life. I have come close at times and other times I had told my friends.


When telling my friends what I really wanted at that moment was love and knowing how much they cared for me. I guess it's like when someone calls in a bomb threat. The person who wants to blow something up they will and won't tell anyone or announce it. Those who want the attention call and say "there's a bomb."


We all seek validation and some just need to hear it more often than others. I am glad that I wasnt successful obviously something or someone has a plan for me.

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I think that people almost always give out a cry for help. It may not take the form of a note or message, but its some way of reaching out to a person so that they feel appreciated and can have something to hold onto that prevents them from attempting suicide. Thing is, we often can't tell when a person is doing that. That's why we should try to be nice to people at all times, because you never know when something as simple as a smile and "have a nice day" can affect a person and warm their heart.

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Was just thinking.

I just made a list of the suicides of folks I knew.

8 said nothing and did it.

1 said he would and did, 7 months ago.

1 threatened it and was ignored except for one person who pulled him from the idling car and removed the hose.


Hard to make a simple assumption, considering the finality.

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Dako - Of the ones that didn't say anything, are you saying they had never mentioned suicide? Could they still have said something but in a different way? Was it out of nowhere or did they have problems that people were aware of?


Sorry if it brings up memories or if you don't want to talk about it. You don't have to answer if you don't want.

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I at once threatened was serious and was saved by my girlfriend.

I told her out of respect so she wasnt clueless why i did it.

But i ended up in a hospital. Then regretted it deeply

The threat to me was both a call for help and saying goodbye.

I didnt want to leave her not knowing what went wrong and posisbly blaming herself.

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