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Bad test, need some encouraging words.

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Actually I will not know if it is the worst test ever or not quite yet...it is up there though. But I had a test in Engineering Economy (a senior level class and I am a sophomore). Everyone says it is the easiest class...but I pretty much died in the exam. The worst test I ever took was my computer programming final...but that was almost a year ago. So this was the second worst to take. How I score makes all the difference. As I said I died...my poor study buddy seemed to have problems too. The only people that think it is easy are the seniors...


It isn't that bad of material...but this is teh first I have ever really done this and the teacher SUCKS and the book SUCKS. Seriously, my sister who took this class (and aced it) thought the book and teacher sucked. And what is worst is the teacher put a question on teh exam that had to do with something not in teh book...something he mentioned in class but only gave us a vague formula for. All he wrote down was the integral of f(x) and then talked about it and showed no examples. That was on teh exam and that killed me the most.


...heck, the TA even felt sorry for me and told me how to do part of it. Maybe he also felt sorry for the fact that we all were wasting our Valentine's evening (6-8 ) doing this test.

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heyy. you know we all have those ups and downs. and there was like a two week period where i thought i was just losing brain cells as my test scores were basically mediokre. we all get into funkss, and the teacher makes the WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. and when you look at it in the big scheme of things it really is extrememly insignificant. so dont stress about it--its doneee! yayyy, and now you can work towards your next goals, thats it.

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heyy. you know we all have those ups and downs. and there was like a two week period where i thought i was just losing brain cells as my test scores were basically mediokre. we all get into funkss, and the teacher makes the WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. and when you look at it in the big scheme of things it really is extrememly insignificant. so dont stress about it--its doneee! yayyy, and now you can work towards your next goals, thats it.

Yeah...like my statistics homework due tomorrow morning. I wanted to do it over teh weekend but the teacher forgot to hit the send button on Friday...so he sent it out Monday evening when I had to study for this test.

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Usually there are other books and materials suggested for more background and info on the topic. I'm astro engr, we don't even get books most of the time. If your dealing with integration and calc stuff there are some Schaum's books with loads of examples. They have a book on just about anything, I've bought a couple for all the control systems crap I've done. Sometimes it helps just to go to the tech or engr library and look up some books on the topic. Study buddies are great, but talk to the TA and prof, they're the ones that can help you the most. Don't be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they're stupid, they're not! If you're given homework solns use those to study, if not get the TA to discuss your work with you and try to get an understanding to what you missed. It may feel like you're being a pain in the butt, but its their job to teach you.

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Maybe he also felt sorry for the fact that we all were wasting our Valentine's evening (6-8 ) doing this test.



Hey cichlid chick,


I was in the same boat myself tonight. I struggled taking an undergraduate level psychology exam tonight 9-10pm and I aced PharmD school. I am just taking the class for my own interest but the competitiveness obviously never left me haha...


I am sure we both did better than we think we did!


Good luck,


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I have suffered through the same thing. Horrible teacher, horrible books, and tests that made no sense and didn't relate to what was in class. It's ok. There is a chance a lot of people did poorly, in which case you aren't alone. And some teachers see that and raise scores or adjust things somehow. Don't compare yourself to others who took the class, we all pick up things differently. And one test, even one class, isn't the end of the world. You can still have a good final score in the class, and a good overall GPA even if your final grade isn't the best.


Really though, some teachers need to reconsider their profession. In my case the teacher was so bad the school had asked him to take time off and go back to school himself. I got him the semester he returned. Still bad. Should have stayed gone longer.

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cichlid_chick,Really though, some teachers need to reconsider their profession. In my case the teacher was so bad the school had asked him to take time off and go back to school himself. I got him the semester he returned. Still bad. Should have stayed gone longer.
All of the companies he worked for actually went belly up. It's kind of funny...he usually works in his profession but now he just teaches. I think the only reason he has a job is because his wife is the head of the department. He is horrible...my sister (who has him as a prof in a class...she is a grad student) made fun of him and told my mom because she thought she was being mean. My mom could not realize someone could be so bad... he will flip through a book and tell us to just read the book (which is old and horrible). Then be like this is important...and this...oh look we covered a chapter in 15 minutes...did I ever tell you about the time I worked at (random company that did badly).
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lol. That is bad. It would be hilarious, if you weren't stuck in his class. If you are having trouble understanding the material, could your sister make time to help out? Or a learning center at the school? Anyone that could help you? Also, group study sessions with others in the class. Maybe together you can figure out what he isn't teaching.

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Never worry. As goddess23 puts it - it's done. Never look back. The teacher was crap, the main point is that you got what you needed. You can forget about the teacher and all his stupid companies he worked for. Go for the next hurdle, and the next.. and befor you know it, you've got an ace degree! Even if you're not the top of every class, employers don't look at it. It's what your degree is and what skills you've achieved through it.


Employers don't look for top graders, they look for those competent in thier field. And if that means you just slipped through the whole way, then so be it. They just need the reassurance that you know what your on about! And by the sounds of it, you do, even though you didn't do well in the exam!


Integral of f(x) = confusion to me!!


All the best!

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I'm starting to think I did a lot better on teh exam than I give myself credit for. Oh, well, statics exam on wednesday. Am I worried? Heck no! Statistics exam next Monday...the teacher asked who thought they would make an 100% on teh exam. I raised my hand along with another guy in a class of ~100. Both teachers have told us that it will not be too bad. They can't put much of anything I do not already know how to do...plus my average homework grade in both is about a 97%.

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I'm starting to think I did a lot better on teh exam than I give myself credit for


Bet you did. People are usually hardest on themselves. I've had tests I thought I did horrible on, and did great on. So odds are, it wasn't that bad.


Good luck on the other test. You'll do great!

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Integrals are not too bad (until the harder applications of it). Just need the right professor to teach it. Sounds like you got a bad one.


You know what I do when I get tired of a book or professor? I use Google.


By the way don't worry, I am struggling a little with my Metaphysics class (philosophy course). Professor goes all over the place and if Aristotle says the word 'thing' one more time I am going to smack him. So screw it I will consult Google.

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Integrals are not too bad (until the harder applications of it). Just need the right professor to teach it. Sounds like you got a bad one.


You know what I do when I get tired of a book or professor? I use Google.


By the way don't worry, I am struggling a little with my Metaphysics class (philosophy course). Professor goes all over the place and if Aristotle says the word 'thing' one more time I am going to smack him. So screw it I will consult Google.

no...no.no no no no! Intergrals are easy but he never showed us how to apply them to what the question was asking. This is not a calculus course...this intergral thing he mentioned was not in the book. He explained it but never gave us examples or anything. He made a face today (once a week night class) when he went over the test and came to that problem.


And and I did pretty badly! I got a D...before the curve. I was the average though! The class average BEFORE the curve was a 65. Yeah...he curved up 7 points but we do not get to keep them if THE CLASS AVERAGE is lower on the next exam. So I am screwed if other people in the class do worse. It's not fair at all. He wants us to explain thing to each other and help each other do better. But I do not see why I should be punished if I end up getting a better test grade on exam 2, while the rest of the class does horribly. ](*,)

how the class did


ave 65 ----->72

max 86 ----->93

min 18 ----->25


Statics exam in a few hours and I am screwed for that. My BF wanted to cuddle and would not leave me alone to study from 2-6pm yesterday when I was not in class. I told him to leave me alone but he thought because I had an average HW grade of a 97% I knew what I was doing. We had a conversation about this...no more seeing each other on Tuesday in between my classes. I'm starting to really hate how he fails to respect my study time.

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Oh, and my sister who is taking graduate classes has classes with him...she is writing a complaint against him. He actually does work full time and teaches 3 courses...the course I am taking, an MBA course...and my sister's graduate course which has his wife teaching it too. I can't really complain to the head of the department about him because well...that's his wife! His wife is a great teacher and very nice...I've had a class taught by her. She took her students in that class out to lunch (4 at a time) so that she could meet everyone. That was the first class for my major that I had to take. I'll do what I always do with bad teachers...stress out but in the end see that I make like a B. My calc 1 teacher, and intro to java teacher (actually had numeruous complaints written about him) sucked but I passed the courses even though I thought I failed.

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Wow, I feel ya on the bad professors. Both my Computer Science and Biology professors for the past two semesters have pretty much sucked. The Biology professors just post notes on the board and don't really explain them, which in my opinion, defeats the whole purpose of teaching in the first place. Then of course there is my computer science class(java) where we learn code...without the use of a computer? and with a teacher who cannot fully explain himself. its kinda retarded...i don't even go to the Biology class because I can just read the notes he gave us at the beginning of sem- and I'm practically teaching myself java. so yeah it sucks.



As for that teacher you were talking about i think he should be fired...esp considering the class average was 65...that's at least gotta tell him something? The class from last semester said the average grade for the first test in Java was 48...and over half of the students in the class dropped. If that doesn't scream "hello your a moron and your teaching sucks" then I don't know what does. I'm starting to think the entire CSC department at my school blows.


I'm guessing you go to OU? I go to LSU, but my second home now is Moore, OK which I don't think is too far from the campus in Norman? Everytime OU and LSU plays my grandmother always brags about how i should have went there instead of LSU. but its awesome here.

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Moore is just a few miles away. And I have taken intro to comp programming as well. I *hated* that class with a passion. I got A's on all teh programs...but a lot of people got zeros if their programs looked the same. I got a C on teh midterm, and I have no clue what I got on teh final. I just know he lied about what was on it (he said teh exact opposite of what would be on it) and put stuff on it that were hardly mentioned in class (told us he not to worry about it) that was not in the book. The test was horrible! I ended up doing maybe a 3rd of it and walking out of it after breaking all my pencils from frustration. A lot of my friends failed even though I think they did better than I did. Oh, and I gpt a C in teh class...I did not care at all that I got a C. I was just happy I never had to take that course again. Any lower of a grade and I would have had to retake.


But OU is better than LSU.

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Geeze, that kinda reminds me of the last test I took. The day before the exam when we are suppose to be "reviewing" he tells us new things that are going to be on there that we hadn't even covered yet. It was hectic testday...but I'm glad I spent the entire day before studying, cause a lot of the class just walked out.

This guy next to me even tried to cheat off me, but i just shook my head when he motion to hand me his note. Kinda felt bad for him, but I mean, its not my fault he didn't study. I do blame the professor for the majority of the class failing though. His math is horrible! and his teaching is unclear. If it weren't for me getting together with a group the day before and practically teaching ourselves...i might have bombed it along with the majority of the class. I'm hopeful I did well though.


oh...and how dare you insult LSU miss...we'll just have to see next season =)~

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