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Question for the shy guys out there


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Shy guys, please help!!! I like a guy who i thought was shy (eye contact from afar but not up close, hanging around my vicinity but not able to talk to me). Anyways, I decided to start a conversation with him tonight and he got all flustered and wouldn't look at me and gave me these short answers and than he said "....." and turned away to get something to eat at which point i felt stupid and turned away myself and went to the other end of the room. Shy guys: have you ever run away from the girl you like when she approached you or should i just assume he doesn't like me?

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Sounds like he went into panic mode when you approached and talked to him. He probably actually was very pleased that you did indeed go over and talk to him, but he probably wasn't "prepared" for it in a sense. Shy boys tend to have a very hard time introducing themselves and starting conversations, and you probably just caught him "unaware."


He's probably very angry at himself right now; give him some time. He will probably start the conversation the next time around.

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I agree with Fivek here... this wasn't necessarily a brush off or a rejection as it seems like he was truly scared out of his mind (not being able to look at you, etc). He may or may not be interested, but if you really believe he's shy, maybe try one more time. Next time you see him, see if he completely avoids making any contact with you or if he just seems nervous and shy, as per usual. Hopefully he won't get so flustered next time!

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Well, he did walk past me afterward and said some offhand remark to the person standing next to me..but i was just so embarrassed i didn't acknowledge him and besides, he didn't say it to me...any more opinions? By the way, you guys are great..thanks you for helping me figure this out/

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I agree with the other posts it sounds like he does like you especially if he was just hanging around in your vicinity and by doing this its highly likely he was hoping you would approach him but he wasn't prepared and he's probably not too confident.He was probably a little too embarrassed to talk to you again but you noticed him because he remarked to someone near you. I'd say try again and maybe he won't be as surprised as you will have approached him before.

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yes all the time...I'm worried that I'll run outta things to say and end up saying something stupid...which in turn would give you the wrong impression.


I'm guessing he probably got a lil too nervous...


Don't be discouraged though, and do talk to him again or he may feel like he screwed things up



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What sort of conversation were you having with him? Does he know you're interested in him? Try asking him why he's afraid of you. Let him know jokingly, that you won't bite..."unless you want me to". Of course, that line could make him more nervous, I suppose. Use discretion. When you're talking to him and he won't give you eye contact, ask if he'd rather be left alone. If he says no, let him know that you notice how uncomfortable he appears to be, and ask him what you can do to make him more comfortable around you. Tell him that when he avoids eye contact with you, it makes you feel like he doesn't like you, and is not comfortable being around you. Does he interact with any other girls?

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