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I never actually believe a lot in energy.. that people have energies. However, I had this best friend that was a really good friend (duh) but then we had a fight - huge one - and came back together. But then I started realising that she is a horrible person; as in having a bad personality.


She once forgot my birthday (like a year) - i mean birthday party to go to a shopping centre with a friend. - I will never foget. Then we organised to party for the new years together - she decided to go to a disco place (and she know I hate that place). So we didn't. Since then I've been ignoring her.


The weird thing is, that when she is at school, or is around, or talks to me. I feel crap. Like she has bad energies. By ignoring her, I feel better because I don't need to say hi/bye and feel sh*t.


You think is energies or just me being stoopid?

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I think you're going to find people who are negative a drain to be around. You can think of it as their energy or their attitude or their approach to life, but really, if someone's always complaining or subtly putting you down or focused only on themselves they're not very pleasant to be around.


I've heard them referred to as "emotional vampires" since they tend to suck all the joy out of the room.

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Your young and you will have many friends come in and out of your life. Some will be toxic and others will be there for the long run. It is great that you are recognizing this now at such a young age. I would say if she doesnt make you feel good or doesn't seem considerate towards you then it's time to move on from that friendship.

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