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Any tips on flirting?

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aight ill try to help u as much as i can~


Ok im a girl too so i know what ur goin through, when i flirt with a guy i try not to come off to sluty, but at the same time sexy, so whare a super cute outfit and awsome make-up be outgoing! it helps so much when u can be someone who a guy thinks is funny, but sexy, start conversations, but dont talk too much, try touching them friendly, u know like feel their muscles or something, but if that doesnt work, i would have one of my friends who isnt cuter than me try talking to him and see if he is feeling u, hope i helped


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I suppose I'm kind of new at flirting too... but here it goes: flirting is mostly touching the other person, getting them to notice you... and it may also be considered as "leading them on" which I think is flirting just a LITTLE too much... if there is a guy you like, whos lets say, in one of your classes, just find a time to go up to him, introduce yourself... get the hang of starting a conversation out of no where... but its better if its about something that's worth while... such as... if he likes sports... maybe you can talk about sports... maybe touch him on the shoulder or something... flirting can also be considered as always laughing and his jokes... even if they aren't all that funny...

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my fave thing to do in a way also makes the guy feel sexy! what you do is you write your number on a lil piece of paper without him knowing and then just walk behind him and make it look like you are playing with his back pocket slip the paper in there and when he goes to fiddle with his back pocket, he will find it. if he doesnt call ya, then poop on him!

good luck



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believe me - Guys have the same question. Here's how I know a girl is flirting with me or is interested in something I've said:


* prolonged eye contact - especially with a friend

* when a girl drapes her arm or hand on me after any kind of physical contact like hugging or laughing together

* when a girl calls me really late at night, early in the morning, or when I've just arrived in the city in a different time zone

* when a strange compliment comes out of no where, like, "wow I really like that cologne (or whatever) and it's 7 in the morning or something

* when I get a page from a female co worker to meet after work - albeit a lunch or happy hour.

* when I work side by side with a woman for any period of time & the work is really grueling - there's almost always some mutual attraction at these times


Just my 2cents.

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