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Madly in luv but dun know wat to do...help!!!!

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well hi..

my prob wud b quite a usual one but i relaly dun know wat to do so i need u guys out for it well m from india n m a regular chater so i met dis girl on chat n she was here in her hometown in india on a break from her college from US n she was here wid her fam for few months....well we became good frnds gradually n we shared phone numbers den gradually we fell in luv wid each oder n we used to speak over fone for long long hrs late nitghs each day we luv each oder so much dat we have plans for marriage n all n everything n mah mom knows abt her n mah sis is a good frnd of her now i guess...well coming on da point well since she went back to US da only way for us to communicate is chating n she comes on a webcam..well her parents r a bit conservative kinds n dey scold her a lot n infact sumtimes it gets a bit physical too n she gets pissed off easily n she is DAMN SHORT TEMPEREd...well m short tempered too a hell lot but i try to control mah anger n wen she is angry i try to relax her to understand why seh is angry n i try to control mah anger coz sumtimes she gets really pissed off n i give her time for herself...well i really luv her n she luves me too n i haev been a hell lot thru mah earlier yrs n m a guy who really needs time n even she tries her hardest to gimme as muc time as seh can but she gets pissed off by da fact dat ehr parents or sum prob crops up n she gets pissed off like dat..n we have had arguments too but now sumtimes even i loose my anger but i cool mahself down coz i dun wanna loose dat girl n i try a lot to be optimistic abt being wid her n marrying her but i dun know m always taken over by dis fear dat i mite loose her coz she doesnt really think wat she gonna do wen seh is angry or wat she says...plz help me out i really need help budds..waitin

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Hi to you, and let me paraphrase back to you to be sure I am clear on the issue you are having with you're girlfriend.

You are in different countries, you are in love and talk daily online, you have hopes and plans for the future...but she may have some issues with her anger and the way she expresses herself to you?

I guess my question would be have you talked to her about how it makes you feel when she gets upset and angry?

Sometimes people have a tough time with expression, and it comes out all wrong. Do your best to support her, help her learn new ways of expressing herself, and encourage her to do some reading on the topic, maybe take a Yoga class and most colleges offer anger management courses now as well. I am sure she hates feeling all this anger as well, so do your best to be supportive, express how it makes you feel and help her get the help she needs.

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