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Is There Something Wrong With Me?

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I dont know if what I am feeling is completely normal...since I have some mixed emotions on it. I was at my bf house the other night, and was online downloading porn for us to watch, and well to put it frankly I desensitized myself to the act of sex I think. I watched so much porn in such a short amount of time that I overstimulated my thoughts with it and now I cant get it out of my head. When I went to bed all I dreamed about was porn, and its all I have thought about since viewing so much of it at one time. Thats not the worst part though...I began to start thinking about other secernios, mostly of which included my bf having sex with the girl or girls in the videos, and was beginning to become excited by the images in my head. The thing is, that the images are still in my head and I cant seem to stop thinking about it or sex, I am experiencing an unreal amount of sexual frustration to say the least and all I want to do is well....sex. I know watching that much porn isnt healthy, but I dont know how to stop being so apt to wanting sex right now. I dont know how to stop seeing all the porn in my head and wanting to act on it, over and over, with my bf of course. I need ADVISE ASAP. Also I dont know how I should deal with the feelings of guilt that I know I am going to have when I finally do restore my normal thoughts....I mean all of the thoughts of the man I love having sex with other girls, and it turning me on...I know its going to bother me and make me crazy with jealousy...simply because I told him all of the things I was thinking and about the other girls I was picturing him with. I dont know what to do about it, or how to stop these unusal thoughts...PLEASE help.....

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Well, for one, you should make sure he knows you were just having sex talk, and that you don;t really want him to act on those things... bedroom talk is noce, but when it really happens, it can be a whole different thing. Next, don't feel guilty... there's nothing wrong with it and you aren't hurting anyone. Finally... act out on it, burn it out and get on with life


Weirder things have happened... it's not that bad

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if these thoughts are starting to disrupt your life then thers a problem but this seems pretty harmless right now. unless you start to feel dependent on these thoughts to be turned on or feel its essential ot your sex life then i would worry. right now it was just a little overwhelming and exciting. so see how you feel in a bitt

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