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How do i tell a very special man who is alot older than i, that i'm in love with him and i wish to be with him in more ways than one? This man i think about day and night night and day for the past few years now and there was always something about him that i knew was special but now it's all clearer to me this man is my soulmate and is my best friend i know he cares for me he has shown me in so many ways but how do we make the first step to express our feelings to eachother without feeling rejected at the same time?


This is really ripping me apart not being able to show my affection for him and tell him but i'm so very afraid of the out come if negitive. Please help i really need the advice Brwneyedwoman

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You just answered your own question....you said he is great to you and you guys are best friends....you need to just tell him. There is nothing to lose if he truly is your friend and does not reciprocate the feelings then he should be your friend....just tell him that you care about him more then friends and that you do not want to ruin what you have but you also care about him so much to not be able to experience what things could be if you in a intimate relationship together.

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Indeed, you do have a great foundation for a relationship thus far. You are good friends and have a good relationship. People say don't date a friend. Well you know what friends do come and go as well. Would you rather take a chance and ruin a friendship or never know the possibilities?


Chances are your relationship could fail. But you will never know until you try. As for being rejected. I wouldn't worry about it, if he really your good friend if he doesn't feel the same about you it won't matter to him.


I had a good friend who was a girl talk to me about her feelings. I didn't feel the same for her; it was awkward for the conversation. After we explained things we felt better about the situation. We are still good friends and nothing much has changed. It's a little better now actually since some of the tension is gone. So either way, you will not be completely screwed. Good luck and trust your heart.

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winkie, i thankyou for your response but i think of this man as apotential best friend we are aquaintances and i'm not sure if i should take this one step further. I don't know everything about him but i do know enough to know that he is for me and vise versa and that we should be together. Anyother reply's would be helpful and thanks so much! brwneyedwoman

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So what do you suggest i do? I'm completely lost at how to handle this. Should i try to talk with him more and get to know him more on a friendship level? From what i hear about this man is that he doesn't let too many people really know him or get too close to him. This makes me wonder why? Maybe he has been burned before and is afraid of being hurt or rejected also? plz help more advice please would be mostly appreciated. brwneyedwoman

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