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I have this friend, a girl (I'm a boy) who I've known for about 18 months.


We started to know each other at college and since I left we still keep in touch! We talk on the fone or by text message about every day! I know loads about her and she she knows loads about me! The problem is she insists that me and her can only be friends!


So, I don't know what is normal!


This girl rings me and asks me if I would like to take her shopping, take her out for a meal, take her to various places! So I agree and we have really good fun, she even says she really enjoys herself! But then she gives mixed signals, she does things that lead me to think that she might want to be more than friends, the type of things a girl would do to her boyfriend, not just her friend! The way she acts, talks, dresses etc...


So I'm wondering what should I do? Does she just want a friendship or is there a chance she's building it to something more? Should I just carry on as we are or make a move?


I'm kinda stuck here guys


Please help!


LP x

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Ah you have fallen into the land of the "friend" The most dreaded and feared place to be. Rest assured all it not lost. Your position can actually be beneficial. You know the girl and you guys get along well so at least you know you are compatible. You also probably know about her past thus there shouldn't be any big surprises (i.e. bad baggage or infidelity)


So if you want this relationship to progress you have take some kind of action. You should change something about yourself to get her attention, do something outside of the "friend" boundaries. Something to get her to notice you.


You could always tell her how much you would love to kiss her. If she gets weirded out, just punch her in the arm and say, "just kidding" To save yourself. You have to take the first step if you want this to progress.


One last thing, is there a reason she doesn't want to move on? Maybe she is still not over an Ex? Had a bad experience? Maybe you should find out why she just wants to be friends... Maybe she just isn't your type? You should face this before you move on. Find out the details to the situation. There is hope. Good luck

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I think you should check out link removed. There's a lot of stuff on there about relationships. The first thing I noticed was that she asks you to take her places all the time. Doing nice things for people is great...but buying supper for her? I hope not, that would be using.


But as the moderator said, you just have to be honest with her. Tell her how you feel and see what happens, if she declines then you know you can move on.

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