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Remember, women are people too.

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I never claimed to be an expert on this matter. But I have relatively no difficulties speaking to women.


The main thing to remember is, you don't have to be a jabber-jaw to be a good conversationalist. Just speak. I'll list a few pointers below that may be of some use to you.


When meeting someone new, NEVER get your hopes up high. Keep your expectations in check, and you'll do much better. Just be yourself.


1. Say Hi, and introduce yourself.


2. Smile


3. Compliment something about them. Example: "That's a very nice

necklace," or "I like your shirt," or "You have pretty hair". Whatever

you discover about her worth complimenting. *Always smile after

paying the compliment.


By now you will be able to pick up her signals (hopefully). She either wants to continue the conversation, or she doesn't, or she's just plain shy.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if a lady is just plain shy. Shy women tend to giggle alot, and aren't usually quick to run off. So if you have a giggly gal on your hands, that's great. Shy women can be the best girlfriend material. AGAIN, remember not to get your hopes too high. At the very least, you are gaining experience.


4. Be a GOOD listener. Hear her side of the conversation. Avoid

ignoring her just to plan what you'll be saying next. She may detect

that you're not really listening, and be totally turned off.


5. Depending on where you are, (nightclub, park, coffee/tea house) ask

her to join you. At this point you may offer to buy her a drink,tea,

or coffee.


6. If she declines, that's okay. If you feel it all went fairly well, ask her

for her phone number so that you may call her sometime. If she

gives this number...wait atleast three days is the GOLDEN RULE.


On that third day, before you call her do some research for your

proposed date. Find out where you want to take her, the time, the

activities (if applicable), if you'll be picking her up or if she'll be

meeting you., if other people will be doubling with you, etc. DETAILS!


7. Assuming you have a plan. Call her up. Be yourself. Don't panic.

Count to 10 slowly if you feel you may panic. Be prepared for a "yes"

or a "no". Here' a scenario that may help..


Meet Todd. He met a sweet young lady named Cindy at a book store

on tuesday. He succeeded in getting her phone number. It is now

three days later (Friday). 1st He makes two lists of suggestions for

Sunday Afternoon. He purposely has plans with his friends John and

Sam on Saturday.


Suggestion#1 =Go Bowling | Suggestion #2 =Go To The History

| Museum


He already knows where, when, costs, and special exhibits/events

i.e. cosmic bowling.


He now has a pretty good plan for a thoughtful proposal. He confidently dials Cindy's number. She answers, "Hello".


Todd: "Hi, may I speak with Cindy please?"


Cindy: "Speaking."


Todd: "Hello Cindy. This is Todd. We had a lovely conversation last

tuesday at the Books Etc; store."


Cindy: "Oh Hi" (secretly she's excited Todd remembered to call).


Todd: "I heard about an exotic exhibit at the art museum this

sunday, that I think would be kind of neat to check out and

I would be delighted if you'd accompany me."




Todd: "Are you a good bowler"? I'm sure you're better than I am. I called Yorkshire Bowling today, and found out that they have alot of specials on sunday. Sounded like something fun that we could do if you don't have a previous engagement."


As you can see, it's really not rocket science. Just talk. Have a plan. Go get her!


Have Fun!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Sage you talked about asking the girl for her number......I told my sister that one time that i asked for a girls number and she says thats just asking for rejection.. im confused now. cause she says asking for a number makes you seem desperate esp. when its either the first time or 2nd time meeting, her insight was to do this, Give your number too her. wait for her to call YOU..if she doesn't and you see her at the club again or where ever you might be at. to make eye contact and smile. but not to approach and ask "why didn't you call" or "what you cant call people" thats first being rude. and making yourself come accross as a jerk. i guess its different with some people. (girls) they sometimes want a guy to ask for a number. or are waiting for her to write it down and slip it under your glass...whatever the case may be.

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