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ok im embarrassed to post this - need opinions/advice

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ok me and my boyfriend are thinking about getting more serious soon - we havent decided if we are ready for sex yet, i mean doing massages etc while naked / partially naked. im fit and comfortable in my body, except that the thing is... my breasts have these really weird marks on them that im pretty sure arent normal - they are sort of like purple lines. they are an inch or two long, 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide, and radiate out from about 1 inch away from the nipple area. there are at about a dozen on each breast. i dont know what they are but i didnt have them when i was young - are they stretch marks or something? cos my boobs are pretty big, but they didnt grow in THAT fast... i dont think... anyway i'm really worried that this will turn him off / weird him out or something. opinions from guys and girls would be appreciated... and if the girls have anything similar or know of a product or something that would help diminish/get rid of them... that would help. im really insecure about this, any responses would be appreciated. thanks!

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Stretch marks, and trust me, they are not going to turn him off. Don't worry, they are perfectly normal, I haven't met someone without them. Only persons I've seen without them have been in pictures, in magazines or other touched up pictures, where you don't know if you are looking at someon'es picture or some artist work.


Now, take that as a reminder to take care of your girls and go have fun, stop worrying.

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Yeah,like Süsser Tod already said, I think it is normall. I have them too and to be honest it is not really bother me. I feel not afraid that this or something else will turn my boyfriend off, when he sees me naked, cause I trust him and know he is mature enough and will never hurt my feelings. Hope you trust your boyfriend too, cause I think that is the whole point.Really, I am very insecure person, but not with him and that is just because I trust him in this matter. I know he will not say anything to me which he knows will be hurting me. Maybe you feel better if you let him know that you are insecure about this? In this way he knows you are little bit worried and will understand that it is hurting for you if he says or act like he doesn't like something about your body. Men can sometimes be little bit raw , so they need a hint sometimes .


Also, I don't think men will notice this!! Most men are already happy that they can see breasts

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Don't be self conscious about it! I agree, they sound like stretch marks. Guys don't care. Trust me. My ex was narcissistic and enjoyed pointing out my flaws, but he never gave a second thought to the stretch marks. He didn't even notice them. He was too busy with, well, seeing me naked. Most guys are too caught up in the moment to notice ANY flaws, let alone something as small and insignificant as a stretch mark.

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Don't be self conscious about it! I agree, they sound like stretch marks. Guys don't care. Trust me. My ex was narcissistic and enjoyed pointing out my flaws, but he never gave a second thought to the stretch marks. He didn't even notice them. He was too busy with, well, seeing me naked. Most guys are too caught up in the moment to notice ANY flaws, let alone something as small and insignificant as a stretch mark.



Hey, wait a moment, we are not that dumb or blind. We do notice them, just give them no importance, as they are normal. Its as nuts as laughing at a mans scrotum for being wrinkled.

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Well, and just in case you forget, I have them too! A lot of them, plus I have very small ones... yes they are stretch marks... the result of shrinking when I was anorexic, blowing up when I was on antidepressants (god, those were the times... breastwise!). Just take it SLOW! Wait with sex until you are comfortable enough.



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Hey, wait a moment, we are not that dumb or blind. We do notice them, just give them no importance, as they are normal. Its as nuts as laughing at a mans scrotum for being wrinkled.


I really don't think he did, to be honest. He had a fixation on my breasts, and wasn't exactly quiet about the things that were physically (and mentally) wrong with me. Not a great relationship. But my point is,

I don't think he even realized I had them. I think he was too caught up in the moment.

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