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what is going on???

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So my boyfriend just broke up with me and I've never been more confused.


Things were just not really working out, I wanted different things than he did out of the relationship, but I never told him that. But then one day hes says I love you, and then a few days later he breaks up with me.


He said he wanted to be friends, so I talked to him but he started acting all mad, and upset.


I thought I'd be happy because, I felt like it was doomed anyways, but now I just feal heart broken. It seems like everything is going wrong.


I dont know whats wrong with me, all I can think is why did he break up with me, and is he mad?


I felt like he was really there for me, like a really close friend, but now he doesnt even talk to me anymore. Was he possibly using me? Should I talk to him, or should I just forget about it?


Please help I dont know what to do

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Regardless of who broke up with who it is very difficult to be friends with an ex and darn near impossible right after a break up. Sometimes people say they still want to be friends as a way to soften the blow so to speak and others really do mean it. It will take time if a friendship is going to develope. Emotions must settle on both sides.


Being in a relationsihp with a feeling of doom looming over head is very stressful. It's a miserable place to be and I've been there myself. I didn't have the courage to end the relationship so I crossed my fingers and decided to ride it out. I too thought I would feel relief when the relationship ended but when he broke up with me I was on the floor in pain all the same. Relief and happiness will follow. Knowing the relationship is doomed isn't a get out of jail card for suffering grief.


I don't think anything is wrong with you at all. I don't know why he broke up with you but if I had to guess it might have something to do with what ever it was that was causing you to feel like your relationship was doomed. Perhaps your feeling was in response to sensing that his feelings for you had changed. Perhaps your feeling was something he felt too and something just wasn't right.


He probably isn't mad at you either. Like I said, emotions need to settle on both sides. Give him some space and give yourself some space.

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Well, it sounds like you were preparing yourself to break up with him (as you state, you felt the relationship was doomed but never told him) and he essentially "beat you to it." It's hard on you because you were probably prepapring to be the one to end it, expecting to break his heart...and the opposite thing happened...


The reason he wants nothing to do with you is because he is heartbroken too and doesn't want the romantic feelings to surface along with the memories of them by seeing you. He's protecting himself by staying away from you. It has nothing to do with you or your character. He's mad and upset at the relationship with you failing.


I suggest you stay away as well for your own protection of your feelings and chalk it up as a learning experience. I would say in the future you might be better off expressing your feelings about the relationship sooner as well...

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