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Buff/ Fit/ Hot!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!

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Isn't it powerful!

This release of hormones makes herds of similar horndogs rush out and have lots of sex without any regard to consequences. It's nature's way of not only making millions of babies every year, but also a way to use your most productive years to provide for offspring.


Rubbing your nub is safer.

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Okay. Well, some of you know my situation. I'm 15, have never had girlfriend etc.. But, man, I like see all these girls and man, they're sooooo fit!!! So hot!!!! I'd have sex with them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!! AhhhH!!!!!](*,) I can't take it. I wanna do them all the way. But I can't. Damn.


Well -it sounds like your having sexual urges- that of course is completely normal.


However what worries me a little bit is that you don't seem to see these girls as actual people.


Girls and woman are more than sexual objects, you know.


I wanna do them all the way


You put "them" all together in a group as if they're cattle.


Remember- these girls might be attractive- but they also have personailites, brains, and hearts. They are HUMAN BEINGS.....


I'd have sex with them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!


Why "hard sex"? Why do you value that so much? Many women might not like that kind of sex.


If and when you do ever have sex- I hope you'll approach it in a more thoughtful manner.


Again, the sexual urges are completely normal- but you might want to re-think your approach to the opposite sex.


Try taking a jog to release some of that pent-up energy and calm down a bit.


Rubbing your nub is safer.





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Oh, he may get to 40, and need 3D Ultraporn to get wood while his wife sleeps.


LOL I almost fell on the floor in my office on that one. ROFLMFAO!


To add my two cents here...


What your experiencing is totally normal and it will be a tough road to get where you want to be (with a lady). What my advice to you is to stop trying so hard to get with the ladies. The ladies can pick up desperation in a heartbeat and pick you off from a crowd. I would keep looking but, lose the desperation by waxing the wood for now. Your still very young and have a lot to learn about women.


I agree with BellaDonna that your approach is flawed. Your treating the women like they are cattle and not like individuals they are.

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To be honest, I was a frustrated horny young guy before discovering sex. Sex is great stuff, but love is much more powerful. Women are really amazing people that provide insight into life from a a different perspective.

They're worth learning about.


They're good in the sack, too.

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I agree with everything BellaDonna had to say. It is best to release your energy in other ways like jogging or working out. I hope you keep these feelings to yourself, because you can develop a reputation that may not be flattering. I wish you luck in finding what satisfies you, but in the mean time if you have so much energy to release, the best thing for you to do is beat your penis like it stole something.

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To be honest, I was a frustrated horny young guy before discovering sex. Sex is great stuff, but love is much more powerful. Women are really amazing people that provide insight into life from a a different perspective.

They're worth learning about.


They're good in the sack, too.


Words of a truly mature man

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Ok, I've CALMED DOWN now.


Thanks everyone for all their help, (or comments). It's when I get all horny, I go like that. And I wrote that just after walking through school yard, passing by all the chicks. Anyway, I'm not psycho. When time comes, I will treat my girlfriend properly and get to know her. I mean that's what I truly want above all else, honest.


You put "them" all together in a group as if they're cattle.



the best thing for you to do is beat your penis like it stole something


LOL, but i hope one day my penis doesn't just get hand.

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Yes, I mean I am 15. You're 53! I gotta all those hormones and stuff. And can't help it.


Right Dako, you are 53, you have no hormones left..sheesh!




make_up....hormones do cause us to have urges, but you can control how you act on them. (and for the record, even 53 year olds have them).


I agree with Bella, these girls all have their own personalities, feelings, likes, dislikes, wants, needs, and if your ultimate goal is to "do them hard" and lump them altogether like a herd of cattle, you are sorely missing out on the joys of life and on the whole respect issue.


Hormones are normal, sexual attraction is normal, but I recommend you partake in the pleasures of self service to get yourself under control, and learn that girls and women both deserve respect and care. And most women are not just looking for someone to "do them hard". And if you meet those ones whom are, ensure you are also prepared to be in their lives forever in case they get pregnant, since there is always a chance...and weigh if your life is worth it since you can always get an STI..no protection is 100%.

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I can't help it either. I still get a stiffy every Leap Year.








Anyway, thanks everyone. But, also, back on track:


most women are not just looking for someone to "do them hard". And if you meet those ones whom are


What do you think of this:


I go round my school, and I tend to see most of the hottest girls walking around and clustering with the cool, jerky, arrogant boys. Now, what's up with that? For example, I was walking along, and I see a few really nice guys in year above talking with less attractive girls. And then I come to the jerks in year above and they were all squeezed right next to the hottest girls in the corridor. Now, next year, what am I going to do? Because, I am not a jerk, I'm nice. I know i'm going to be really nice to girls. But, then, will I end up like the nice people in year above or not?

Also, you say most women are not looking for someone to do them hard. I'm guessing that's what jerks wanna do, in year above. They just in for sex, because they are evil. But, I mean, besides the excpetions of attractive girls who like evil jerks, I mean, is it? Are they exceptions, or do MOST girls like evil jerks??? Or what!?!?!?! This is getting too confusing....but I hope you get the general gist of things!!

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Your entire premise seems like you're looking at the overall social picture, seeing what the so-called "majority" are doing... and then using that image to try to determine what you should be doing... or whether you will be "successful" if you don't. There are plenty of girls who also aren't in that crowd you're describing, but you won't find them if that's where you keep putting your attention. I don't fit the norm at all, but I also don't use the behavior of those types of people who are different from me to dictate my own worth and behavior. And I know I'm not a loser just because I'm not in that crowd of women who cling to hunky guys. And guys who stand apart from the crowd, who do their own thing, who think independently... well, those are the ones I've always found to be the most interesting. It would be too bad for women like me if all the guys were in the "in" crowd, or spent all their time longing to be there. It's probably best if you don't try to fit yourself into a stereotype of what you imagine is "successful." And also don't use that as a way to feel left out.

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