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Another success stories thread...

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2 of my friends got back together with their ex's after a long split. one couple were split up for a year and a half, while the other were split up for just over a year.


the first had complete no contact with her ex (but she was the one that broke it off with him). i do think that she only got back together with him because she was feeling kind of low, she had come out of a relationship that she was in for 10 months, and he was quite abusive both psychial and mental. i believe that she remembered how good her other ex was to her, and that he would never have been abusive to her, and would have done anything in the world for her etc. they got back together but only lasted about 6 weeks and she broke it off again. i think that she went back to him to feel secure, rather than the fact that she was in love with him. i know that sounds evil, but i do not think that she realized this until they were back together.


in the other relationship the guy did the breaking off, and my friend maintained contact with him and had a kind off friendship, and she did date other peoplealso. just over a year after they had broke up they got back together, and are still going strong i think. they have been back together for about 6 months now.

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Moral of the story...if it is meant to be, it will be...regardless of the new relationships!


I agree!


But..... I wonder how this works...divine intervention aside...which person has to be compelled enough to go after someone? I mean, unless you run into someone unexpectedly, it takes some effort on someone's behalf.


Part of me wonders, what if both parties of a broken up couple are too scared/shy/dumb to call the other person? Does that necessarily mean it's not meant to be?

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I don't really know if I believe that there are relationships that are "meant to be". But I figure if there is such a thing then we can't really control it, we can only take care of ourselves and be open to the right relationship when it happens - we also have no way of knowing who we're meant to be with.


I can't imagine that either me or my ex would completely forget the other. We had so much in common and we seemed like soulmates, but we didn't put in the work necessary to keep up a relationship. After a couple of years, I'm sure one or both of us will want to check up on the other one. We won't get back together, I'm pretty sure our opinions of each other are too negative now, but I do think we'll get back in contact within a year. If there is such a thing as relationships that are meant to be, then that contact would be enough to start things up again, I think.

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I think a lot of break ups are prolonged and even caused by "foolish Pride." One person feels too much pride in them self/their decision(s), to admit they were wrong. Then, as time goes on, they become mature enough or one day it hits them like a kick in the junk and they realize what they truly want or what they are missing out on.

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If it's meant to be, an opportunity will present itself.


Very true and to the point. I should not overthink it!



well I think after enough time, one person will get curious enough to see how the other person is.


I wonder if women or men do this the most? Hmm. In my life, it seems to be the men that get curious and make reappearances. In my life, and for my friends and family.

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I think the reason guys might come back more than girls, or get curious and act on it more than girls is because we take so long right after the break up to mourn, go through every single thing 8 million times...And usually when a guy ends it...they just sweep it under the rug and move on to the next thing...


That sounds really accurate. I know a girl now, she gets calls once a week from her ex. She'd love to end up with him, but he will not get serious about it, so she's dating other people. He's about to lose all her trust, if he won't soon make up his mind. He's now analyzing things and seeing that she's worth a third shot. They've broken up twice, now.


I haven't left any guys on really bad terms--so far, in my dating experiences. Though they've nearly burned bridges with me! I have let a bit of time pass, only to go after someone and try it again. But it had to be 50-50, and it was, but things kept getting in the way.

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