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Theres Something Growing On My Lip.

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the above posters are correct. you have broken your body's 1st line of defence : skin. The endogenous bacteria you harbor on all mucosal surfaces actually protect you by out competing the "bad" bacteria. But when you have a open sore - in this case because you have irritated the startified squamous NK tissue you create little breaks that allowed the surface to become infected. The yellow appearance are PMNs or neutrophils (a sort of white blood cell which is dead = puss) they died trying to fight off the infection. The are will be swolen as more rush in to fight the good war

As the permiability of your capilaries increases and you have exudate the area will look red and festered. Just leave it alone and let nature run its course. Avoid alcohol containing mouthwashes - they sting horribly if you have open sores and will dry out the area. You can try a saline septic rinse from the local pharmacy. If the sore shows no sign of healing or becomes larger in the next few days go see your physician - they may ask you to begin antibiotics if its a big sore and the infection spreads.

watch out for englargments of your lymphnodes - red "fever" streaks on your jaw or face - and make sure to tell your phycian about any allergies to antibios you may have.

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