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don't know what to do


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Ok i met this girl at a few weeks back and we talked for about 10 mins....well when i say (we talked) it was her that did most of the talking as im a very shy guy.


She stays in my area and i have seen her about but never talked to her before, but i found her to be very friendly.


During the conversation she kept on touching my leg! now im really clueless when it comes to reading girls and how to flirt but even i took this as a sign that she MIGHT like me.


This happened at a interview for a 4 week training course and when we were saying goodbye SHE gave me her phone number and said.. give me a phone and we can meet up and walk to the course together,now girls giving me their phone number doesn't happen a lot not becasue im not good looking but becasue im shy i never try to chat up girls.


This happened on a Wedensday and the course was starting next week, so i here i was with this beautiful girls phone number but the fact that she said give me a phone and we can walk to the course together made me think that she just wants some company while walking to the course since were from the same area, but again she was touching my leg and that made me think she was interested.


So with both of these 2 things going round my head day after day I was trying to get up the courage to phone her and ask her out for a drink at the weekend but if she said no then i would have to see her at the course so i didn't call her.


The course started a couple of days a go and i noticed that with another guy she was very touchy feely but i know shes not interested in this guy so it looks like shes just that kind of person whos not afraid to touch other people shes just met.


While walking her home from the course she got a phone call and i asked who it was and she said her BOYFRIEND!!! but then she started to tell me how she wants to end it with him and just before the phone call she was telling me how young i look for my age and that i must look after myself ,etc etc


Im not working at the moment and neither is she and from what shes told me about her boyfriend he sounds likes hes got a good job and has a good car so this is also making me think that i have no chance with her but maybe this is my own insecurities holding me back.


what do you think?

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