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a random observation

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Yup, I've been there too. Its sooo hard to climb out of the shell. What is past is past, but I can never help but wonder what might have been. But if it makes you feel better, I had a crush on someone in highschool for a very long time...probablly since Jr. High. She was truley genuine, and single, decent looking, and a fun person to be around. Well, highschool flew past and I never did ask her out, even though I think she had a crush on me as well. I kick myself almost everyday. Now the only time I can catch up with her is at the homecoming football game. (once a year). Its always nice to say hi to her. And who knows, maybe we'll end up together someday, maybe not. Sure would be intersting to see the future sometimes....but I guess that would take all the fun out of life.

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I think if we all acted on our emotions, then there would be a lot more *couples* out there.](*,) Everyone is always so shy, no one wants to say anything. But you find out in the long run, that the other person liked you too. The best thing to do is to take advantage of your emotions and act on what you feel. You will regret it later if you dont.

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I agree, from now on I'm going to act as soon as I can. The worst I've experienced is acting too late. I was being told for months that a girl liked me and it took me months to ask her out. We went out a few times but the timing was all wrong and it didn't work out. Had I asked her right at the beginning I think things could have been really different. That's the most annoying thing knowing she liked/likes me but partly cos I took so long it's not likely to be.

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