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I'm Pregnant

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Hey Girl,


Glad to hear it. Tonight, you might want to make a list of all the questions you have for your OB and bring it with you tomorrow to remember them all. Ask her if the nipple discharge volume is OK, and anything else you want to know.


It is important to keep your nipples dry or they could get infected. (mastitis) Not fun! Rinse them in the shower with clean water daily- no soap (it dries them out) and pat them dry gently. Replace the pads as needed to keep them dry, but definitely ask the OB what volume of discharge is normal.


Good luck and let us know!

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I just got back from the Doctor and I'm due the 19th of May! And Im having a little girl!!!!

Im so excited.!!!! I'm going shopping tomorrow!!! for little girl stuff!! I cant believe it i saw her and i heard her for the first time!!! It really means alot too me i cried a little.... I tried to upload the sonogram picture but it was taking forever and I dont have time right now but anyway!

I've already got a name... Ava Leighanne..... I love that name.... But anyway I'll be back on later!



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I just got back from the Doctor and I'm due the 19th of May! And Im having a little girl!!!!

Im so excited.!!!! I'm going shopping tomorrow!!! for little girl stuff!! I cant believe it i saw her and i heard her for the first time!!! It really means alot too me i cried a little.... I tried to upload the sonogram picture but it was taking forever and I dont have time right now but anyway!

I've already got a name... Ava Leighanne..... I love that name.... But anyway I'll be back on later!




That is wonderful Erica, it sounds like she is healthy and well then!


Ava is a beautiful name.


Have fun shopping, you may want to look at second hand clothes too - baby clothes are expensive and they can only wear them for a very small amount of time before they grow out of them!

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Hey Erica,


I read the whole thread, and I must say you are handling things VERY well. You will be a good mommy, I am sure. Of course you are young, but in the end, it's maturity that counts, which does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with age. I am impressed by you AND your bf, by the way. In the old times (ok, the really old times), it was really normal to have babies at a young age. I wouldn't recommend it of course, but in the end it's still a natural thing and you took all the responsibility that comes with being pregnant since the moment you found out.


Happy shopping!



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HEy all.... im really depressed... I thought ever thing was going to work out between me and Jeremiah but... I talked to him Saturday night and found out he has been dating another girl since i told him i was pregnant. Now they're are probably screwing around because that girl that he's dationg now doesnt have a good rep. She is 13 years old too!! Anna Freeman we'll call her... next she'll be saying shes pregnant... Well i did go shopping and found a few things. I got a lil sick so we didnt shop to much. But anyway... i thought you guys should know. I'm feeling better though and my lil Ava is doing good. I have another appointment For March 3rd. Then after March I start going to the doctor every 2weeks till May then 1 a week or something like that. Anyway just reply back pleaze!


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Hi Erica


i am sorry to hear about your boyf but i guess it is better that you find out what he is like now, rather than finding out later on. i was in the exact same situation as you. i was 18 when i got pregnant and my boyf left me. i thought that my life was over but i would not chance a thing now.

my son is nearly 4 and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. i have no contact with the father of my child. he left me when i got pregnant, and when my son was born he visited him a few times, but then lost interest.

i was heart broken at the beginning but then i got completely over him, and at this point i am glad that he is not part of my sons life.


try not to think about the father of your child, and keep in mind that you going to have a little bundle of joy in a few months.

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Oh Erica, I am so terribly sorry. And ANGRY at that jerk! How DARE he treat you like this?


Karen is right, it's better to know now than later. Keep in mind that you are the more responsible and mature one here. Your little Ava will have a great mommy. And you will have all the help of your mom, I am sure she will be happy to play mom for a baby every chance she gets!


It sounds like you are getting yourself checked and guided medically very well, which is very good.


It's a very hard situation. Does your mom know about this? I'd recommend you tell her if she doesn't. You can decide whether you want the baby to know her father, or if you want him to be no part of it at all. I am so sorry for you girl. He's such a jerk, I did NOT see this coming at all.



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I know i didnt see any of this coming either.! One day we're happy the next he doesnt care. He just trying(i think) to be a big mocho man when he is actually a cowarin wimp. I dont think i want Ava to know him or be around him with his foolish actions. I though every thing was going to be great once again I'm wrong. but i told my mom and said He just a stupid immature jerk.

Oh well i'm still upset though i'm getting over it though. Im a tough cookie and I get over this mountain and prepare for the next. Bye


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Wow, Erica, your strength amazes me. You are such a young and strong lady! You indeed are one very tough cookie, I am like 10 years your senior and I am sure I wouldn't know what to do with myself in this situation.


Yes, he's an immature jerk. I totally understand that you don't want your Ava to know him. Still it's something I think you should carefully discuss with your mother. There is a difference between him being involved or him recognizing her as his child. This is important for your little one later in life. When she will become older, she might want to know who her daddy is.


I don't want to scare you, and I am by no means a specialist on this matter. Just ask someone at the clinic where you have your health checked if they know anyone that can help you with this. It's important when you register this baby (I don't know how it's regulated in the states), if you let the father sign that he's the father or not.


I am here if you need to talk, ok?



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Hey ... yeah i will shure think about this seriously. But i want him to be involved but i dont want her around him without me there. Exspecially if he is going to be still going out with that 13 year old. I'm thinking about getting a puppy to grow up with Ava and be my companion till Ava is born and still be after wards. I dont know im thinking about it though. i feel better talking about it now. Thanks for the replys keep them coming

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Hey Erica,


I am so sorry about Jeremiah....its obvious HE doesnt know what he wants but YOU do.However, that doesnt mean you should sit around and wait for him to figure it out. I think it is despicable that while you are pregnant with his child he can do this.


Move on and just focus on little Eva. I am really proud of you for handling it so well. Like Ilse said, I am older than you too but I would be so LOST right now.


I am also so proud of your mother for handling things how she is handling them. You have an amazing mother Erica. You are so fortunate.


I hope it all goes well. Please dont stop posting. (((((((((Hugsssss)))))))))

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Hey ... yeah i will shure think about this seriously. But i want him to be involved but i dont want her around him without me there. Exspecially if he is going to be still going out with that 13 year old. I'm thinking about getting a puppy to grow up with Ava and be my companion till Ava is born and still be after wards. I dont know im thinking about it though. i feel better talking about it now. Thanks for the replys keep them coming


I too am sorry that Jeremiah turned out to be so unsupportive. Do his parents know? Are they going to be supportive?


As for a puppy, remember that they are alot of work themselves and it gets quite expensive with the series of 3 different appointments of puppy shots and spaying or neutering, (about 800-1000$ for all the appts and vaccinations, worming, heartworm prevention- that's not including food, toys, a crate, etc) housetraining, they chew everything up, are very boisterous and can jump and hurt a baby unintentionally. They also need to go out every few hours for the first 6 months or so, and I suspect you will have your hands full with the baby, and unable to give a new puppy the time and attention it deserves.


Maybe when Ava is a toddler and a little more sturdy, you can reconsider.


Hope all is well, and keep us updated.

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