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I just came out to a girl I used to date

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It may have been true in your case but apparently not for others if you read the other posts on here. Nor was it true of at least two gay friends of mine, or another friend whose daughter is a lesbian.


Just depends on the personality etc of the parent I think, not whether its the mother or father. It was my Dad who was fine, he said we have something even more in common now, we both like women! My Mother seemed to be okay at the time, took the lead from Dad, but after he died she insisted on her friends calling my then g/f my b/f!( she was just starting to show signs of Altzheimers though)

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It may have been true in your case but apparently not for others if you read the other posts on here. Nor was it true of at least two gay friends of mine, or another friend whose daughter is a lesbian. Speaking as a father I found that comment somewhat objectionable.


I apologise if I offended you. This is only in my experience. I'm sure that a lot of fathers out there are accepting of their gay/lesbian/bisexual children but like I said, this is only in my experience. Again, I apologise if I offended you. That wasn't my intent.

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Ok not related to this thread at all, but how do you get quotes to be in those little boxes cos i'm failing miserably here!
You can either click on the "quote" icon at the bottom of the box containing the person's post you want to quote and then type in your message above or below it, or you can highlight the particular text you want to quote, cut and paste it into a new reply box and and then, when it is highlighted, click on the little yellow icon at the top of the new box that looks like the way people speak in cartoons.
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