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i need strength not to go back with him


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i need strength, help me to keep away from him.


i found text messages betwee my fiance and my friend, sexual

texts. and, i am horrified for her stapping me in the back and for

him hurting and cheating on me. he does not know that i know this.


i am trying to keep away from him, i told i do not want to be with

him. he cries, begs. all i feel is hate for him and her. but, i love

him. i just want him. but, i cant go back to him

i need strength,

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You already have the strength, you made a decision for yourself to stay away from your cheating boyfriend and your so called friend. I admire you for your strength to walk away from somebody you love deeply, I have done this before and it took all the strenght in the world to stay away from him and to keep ignoring him. The best thing is, I have done it - it took 3 months for the urges to cease and I don't think the feeling will ever really go, however, I now just have him in a very deep, deep part of my heart where he will stay forever.


Nobody deserves lies or cheating. The crying and begging is emotional blackmail, you have also helped him to hopefully learn that when you love somebody, never take them for granted because they maybe here today but just as easily gone tomorrow.


I am so proud of you, keep doing what your doing.


I would tell him you know about the text messages that you saw. Even though he is a lying cheat he still at least deserves to have some closure or you may never get rid of him.

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I hope you find the strenght to stay away from him. I had a similar situation in that my boyfriend had sex talks on the computer with women, and set up dates with them, was in to porn, and on singles date sites all the while telling me i was the best woman he had ever had in his life. This site and all my friends here helped me greatly and gave me the support i needed to break up with BF. It hurts horribly,because you feel so disrespected through it all. I sent a link below to my original post, you can read if you have time just bit of it and see what all i was dealing with. IF you ever need to talk or anything feel free to let me know. i hope you keep the strenght and think of your self worth and well being , and that you will be better off in the long run. I am sure we both will find men one day in our lives that understand the meaning of love , commitment, trust and respect.





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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree with newts on this one... i'm really proud of what you've done. i cant say that i've been in your situation but i've had friends that have and i've seen the pain... so i get where you're coming from. but hang in there!! you're probably doing the right thing, and cuz it's right... it will only get better and easier... goodluck!!!! oh and yeah tell him you saw what you saw... its important he knows rather thanjust being in the dark about everything... even though he's a jerk. but let him know what u saw... and how much it hurt you

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