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i need your help..please

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look...here's my story...there's this girl and she's one of my best of friends. I fell in love with her. I don't know why or how but I'm in love with her. I haven't reveiled my feelings to her yet...and yesterday she told me she was in love with another guy...What the heck should I do in this situation? Tell her or not? It's all f*cked up in my head right now

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Based on the fact that you are eating yourself inside over this, you've got to tell her. Better to live your life asking yourself, "why not", as opposed to "why".


Tell her, for better or worse, at least you'll get some answers to what's driving you crazy right now.

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Yeah, thell her, if she doesn't like u the way u like her, just wait...but talk to her a lot, and try to not to have any kinda fight.....Ok I don't think u got what I said) But when my friend told me that he loved me, I freaked out, cuz I liked him like a friend, and I didn't really liked the idea that he liked me, but he didn't stop telling me how he loved me and making jokes about some stuff that had to do with this, and I fell in love with him after like 2 weeks, I needed just a second to realize that I loved him)

Try this, It should work

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