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feeling a little out of it tonight.

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Tonight I kind of feel vulnerable. It's been many months, almost a year since i did something along the lines of this post.


I havent really admitted that i still think about it. but i do. so there. i haven't said it outloud, but this is close to it.


i think this is the longest i've lasted. and it's hard to find something to replace it. because at the moment i feel like screaming or punching a wall. or well u know.


and it's not for one reason, or b/c today was a bad day. just because. because i'm feeling a little bit lonely tonight.


and it's taking a lot out of me to say all this.


but life goes on. as it always will.

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Hey. Smile On The Road, I want to see what your smile is like.


I often feel lonely and sad, just because. It's not usually something big, those feelings just come to me and I get depressed. Just last night I broke into tears and couldn't help it. I felt empty and alone, and like I wanted to scream out as loud as I could for as long as I could. While I've never injured myself, I have wondered why I am even alive. Those thoughts leave me vulnerable as well. It's hard for me to talk about that stuff, so I admire you for being able to post on it.


I also admire you for dealing with all these feelings. It isn't easy and you can easily drown your sorrows in something that isn't good for you. But you are fighting them, and doing a good job. It's ok to have a relapse now and then, to have a night were you just feel lousy. The important thing is to not lose focus on the good things in life. Don't get so down on yourself that you end up hurting yourself again. Have faith things will get better and believe in yourself. I know it can often seem like these are empty words, but they are true. You are a strong person, and I know you can get through this.


If you want to talk, I'm here for you.

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