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Nervous for big date

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Hi everyone

Im getting taken out to a restaurant tonight by a guy I have a HUGE crush on. I'm so nervous about everything! I want to look sexy but not like a sl*t- Any ideas about what to wear? Also why do I feel embarrassed about eating when Im with him? I actually lose my apetite?? Is this normal?

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don't sweat about being sexy. I don't have to look anywhere else than to face to decide whether a girl is sexy or not (eyes, lips, smile etc. is the prettiest and sexiest thing ever, I don't need to be rude and stare someone's chest). And if I have a crush or something, the face looks good no matter what.


Just make sure you don't show up in sweatpants or something, because then the guy'll figure out that you don't have the interest to put on something special. To me, just any clean, just a tad finer clothes than casual is perfect. Even casual clothes could do if you're going to afternoon coffee.. Nothing revealing - if that's all the guy wants, you want to forget him.

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Don't worry about being sexy. He is attracted already, or he would not be asking you out. Make sure you are dressed nice, and err towrds classy ratehr than sexy.


And on big pointer, when he talks, look at his face, and try to keep it to a triangular area made by the tip of his nose and the outside corners of his eyebrows. As he speaks, just watch. When he is about to stop, look right at his eyes, and hold for a moment after he is done, before you begin talking. I would not do this too much right away, but I would go about 15 minutes after sitting down for dinner. It's a little trick that jsut makes people feel attracted to you. If there is nothing to support it, then it won't last, but it works.


As far as eating, can't help you there.

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Hi Princess, How exciting! What to wear? Whatever makes you feel beautiful and comfortable. THere's nothing like wearing jeans that are too tight or heels that might as well be a medieval torture device to ruin an evening. (Believe me... I speak from the voice of experience!) Besides, don't you know that if he asked you out, he already likes what he sees?


As for feeling embarrassed about eating in front of him, I know exactly how you feel. I can't seem to go through a meal without spilling a drink or ruining a shirt. On the bright side, you're not all that hungry, so food won't be that much of an issue this date. If you're feeling self-conscious, you can minimize embarrassment by ordering foods that don't contain a lot of sauce (like spaghetti) and are easy to eat (basically anything that will stick to your fork without much effort.) If you're concerned about pigging out, you can always snack beforehand.


Other than that, I agree with everyone else, just enjoy yourself!


PS. If it helps think about a few conversation topics ahead of time to keep things flowing.

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Princess, congrats on your big date.

Well... "never let them see you sweat". the surest way to let nervousness ruin a date is to be nervous. Keep in mind what your guy must be feeling. $10 says he's nervous too and is wondering how he might screw up during the date.


Take those big, deep breaths and think: FUN.

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