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Please help, I've realized what bothers me.

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Hey all, I felt this was a good time to post my feelings towards something, seeing how there are so many good advice givers online at the moment.


It seems that no matter what I do, I can't shake these feelings for my ex.


I want to be with her. We got sent home early from school yesterday so we didn't chat at school, but we talked for awhile on msn last night.


I logged onto msn today and I see that her friend is having people over. I can't help but think that Steve is going, and they'll be hanging out all day.


My ex said that her friend Jenny liked him, but I think that's just a cover up for her. I know it's none of my business but it still gets to me.


I think i've found one of my concerns. I felt that I wanted to lose my virginity to this girl, and thought about it while we were together. We did other things, but not sex. I sometimes feel that her and steve are going to do it and that breaks my heart.


I sometimes feel that I want to be with her so badly because I'm going to miss out on all the things my friends are starting to experience with girls at this age. I know i'm only 16, and I have done quite a few things with girls.. but I haven't had sex and I felt she was the one. I don't want her to lose her virginity to this undeserving guy.


Or for her to forget about me, or something like that.


I am completely confused and still find myself thinking of her everyday. Somedays it's easier than others, and I have more confidence, and think "I don't need her".


What can I do to shake these thoughts of him and her. Me and her. Or anything else. I had a dream about her last night. I always have dreams of her, i'm not just saying this either. I always do.


She's always in my big dreams.


What can I do?


Edit: I guess her friend isn't having friends over anymore. But I still need help. Thanks

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