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I've been dating a wonderful man for the past 9 months. I fell in love with this person and I always believed that no matter what happened, that he would never intentionally hurt my feelings. Unfortunately this was not to be, and he recently dumped me in a humilating way that hurt my feelings beyond belief. It was as though he became a different person! I'm still in love with him but i know that he is not right for me and that he will continue to hurt me if I try to go back to him. What can I do to take this pain away and to forget how much he hurt me? I want to move on but its so difficult. I can't concentrate or focus on anything. How do I get over him? I appreciate any advice and thank you in advance.

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Just stay busy with friends, and don't get out of control. Just take it day by day, and don't look back. Everything will work out for the best. Just keep busy! If something wasn't meant to be, just take it as a learning experience, and grow from it. Don't be afraid of commitment, that's a common outcome of similar situations. Just keep your friends close, they'll always give you what you need.

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Yeah--stay close to your friends--maybe take a class in something you've always wanted to learn. Try not to sit around feeling like crap---you did NOTHING to deserve this treatment. It's his problem.


I've been thru this too and went thru boxes of kleenex etc and moaned and moaned---today I say thank god it happened before things were really serious (ie marriage) as the jerk ultimately stood me up on my birthday(!)--


can you believe it? that's how this "love" of mine ended our relationship.


You just move on---I guarantee you'll be ok.

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