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After reading many forums, I find that many users freak out and doesn't know what to think or do because their ex contact them. 99% of the time you cannot be friends with your ex because you have not moved on from the pain you felt after breakup. ..


Make new friends, and keep old ones; some are silver and some are gold....... Things will be better after you find your next love.... until than, good luck hunting everyone...


Sometimes I wonder why my ex contact me also, but if they wanna say hi how ur doing, i try to just sit there and say a few things, most importantly, avoid topics that may lead to your past relationship...

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Yes. I am also wondering why the ex contact us, especially the ex is the dumper.


Our dumper exs decide that we are no longer good enough, left us in pain alone to pick up all the pieces. Dumpers know we are not ok, and for a long time we will not be able to get over this heartache. Then what is the purpose of asking how are we doing? if we are ok? I can't understand this. It just makes me furious. What is the point for the ex to show s/he still cares when s/he just turns the back to us??

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