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Still Hoping NC is So Hard..

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Christmas eve the girl of my dreams told me she thinks she wanted to be on her own but still loves me and thinks she might be making wrong choice etc. We had been together 10 months and i spent the last 6 weeks in egypt to return to her saying this. I tried NC for all of 5 days till i saw her at a club talked to her and then we were all over each other and ended up staying at mine. that was 4 days ago. then the next mornings its over again she wants to be on her own.


Ive done so well in not contacting her. She has done 2 times to me through msn but ive blocked her cause it hurts so much. We were so in love before i left i don't know how she doesn't want to be with me anymore.


Im worried though that maybe the fact im not contacting her is making her think maybe i don't even care? i told her how much i love her when she stayed over and i know she knows i still love her so much.


Im finding every day so hard to get through. It doesn't help either that she is so beautiful i know she can go anywhere and get what she wants. Positive thoughts are so hard to hold onto. Worst is i know i will see her around out at night and that will kill me. First time it happened we ended up together what can i do next time? We both are so attracted to each other.



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Your story is not uncommon. No Contact will only give her the time to make up her mind for real and let your emotions cool down. It won't push her away.


Go to other clubs. Hang out at different places and bring some female competition into the picture. You got her and you can get someone else like her for sure.


And if she decides she wants back in for sure, it can't be so easy for her. Make her work and she won't be so quick to drop you if she just gets confused again.

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Nc is a good thing so that the situation relax a little bit.. But it is not useful to NC forever.. You only do NC for along time if you really dont want someone at all..


It is good to take a rest from thinking about it now by doing NC.. After a while be normal.. Dont block her.. Be normal with her as you would be with anyone else.. Do this only when your emotions are settled and relaxed.. Dont expect anything from her too.. By another words you can move on but in the same time you are not closing the door..


I say be normal so that if she made up her mind and wants to return to you she sees that she is welcomed.. Also when she sees you normal, its a turn on.. Be upfront and honest.. NEVER play games.. If you believe and you both are meant to be together it will happen no matter what.. So just be normal and dont think whether she will come back or not..

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I'm just starting out no contact as well this is day 5 and I would have to agree I feel that I'm pushing him farther and farther away with each day I do this but they are right. With out us in there lives they will find what is really important. Do they miss us do they want us back...someday they will find answers to that.


How long is too long....There can't be a set time ... you will know deep down...I'm sure. My ex and I decided that in one month we would catch up even if its for only 5 minutes...just to make sure we are both still alive. I want him back so much that I let him go....hopefully he will do his part and find the true answers.


Good luck you are not alone!

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Bit of an update. I went out last night. I met somone else we kissed all night and had fun but it was nothing serious. I feel really low though. That maybe if ali finds out she will see it as a sign that she can do what she wants now (even tho i suppose she can)


It just feels like for good things are over now. I know she might be at the same club i was at last thursday tomorrow. What if i see her there and it ends up where it did last thursday.

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