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GIRLS aka (ppl who drive us guys crazy) plz help


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OMG there is somthing driving me insane, there is a freaken huge * * * * drive in me to be with a girl in a good relationship i just dont come accross many chances, i dont know why iam a star athlete at my high school iam in top shape but just a lilttle shy in asking girls out not talking to them i have many

girl-friends but no companion how long will this pain last what things can i do to be in a real relationship? plz help](*,)

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I just got back from my 20th Class reunion. I was dying to see all my class mates.. especially the STAR Football player who I had a crush on for all 4 years of highschool. Our last names were close, so we always ended up seated near each other in classes we had together.


I had a chance to see him. And I asked him.."why the heck didn't you ever ever ask me out." and he said... "I didn't think you'd go out with me. I had a crush on you too... darn we missed the boat on that one!!"


He too was shy. And had I been more forward.. I'd have asked him out. Actually... I was afraid of the rejection. Afraid the star football player would come up with some lame excuse. WE MISSED THE BOAT!!!!


OK.. Star Well built Athlete... are there girls you find attractive??? and why haven't you talked to them??? whats the fear?? and asked them out to the movies???


Give me more to work with here kid... we'll get you a date soon enough... and no.. we don't mean to drive you crazy. Its just a natural genetic talent of the female species, you love us for it.

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as always shadow u r right with the "genetic talent". Hope u been well shadow, and hope u can work up the courage to ask a girl out, mayb just start off with a simple coffee or lunch, or mayb just a walk. Then things can become more clear, the rejection of a lunch is usually im busy so ur never emarrassed. Just go for it, got nothing too lose and mayb a love to gain.

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Keep in mind that most girls want more then a star athlete with an in shape body. They want someone they can talk with and relate to, someonewho will treat them well. Just because you are an athlete doesn't mean girls will me all over you, contrary to what teen shows and films would like us to believe.


Finding soomeone to have a real relationship with isn't easy. You need to be able to click with the person, get along well with them. And even if you do, there is no guarantee it will lead to more. Keep in mind that it doesn't say anything bad about you that you don't have a girlfriend, maybe the right girl just hasn't come along yet. And your young. You have years ahead of you in much you'll probably go out with lots of girls.


And yes, women have the power to drive men crazy. They are the smarter sex after all.

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