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if a (nice) guy you didn't really know just called you up..

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Hey everyone, I just discovered this site a few minutes ago and it seems like there are some people with good advice, so here goes...

There's this girl who I'm interested in - don"t know her very well but she seems really nice... anyway I talked to her about a week ago and she was all smiles, and my friend was talking to her and said she seemed interested - so far so good. But it turns out she has this other guy - they don't really go out but just meet up occasionally for 'fun' time together. They may have started going out since then but the only way I can find out is by asking her which is fine but it means me tracking down her number etc. I'm just worried about putting her off by seeming like some dodgy guy who is 'on the hunt for fresh meat' as it were, because I don't know how she'd react to some guy who she doesn't really know finding out her number, calling her etc. But if I wait till I see her again it could be too late. So - call her and hopefully not look like I'm too obsessed or wait till I can see her in person?

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WEll, as you prolly read so far 8) , im not the best advice giver. But i can tell you what i would do in this situation. I would try and find her number, and i would call her. Id say "hey whatsup?" and just have a normal converstaion, all while trying avoid the "how'd oyu get my number?" line. If she does ask you that, just be honest and say that you searched for it and sruff. She could take this as a sign of your interest in you, but as you said, she may also see you as obsessed. But that has never happened to me before. I mean, it'll be just one phone call right? I would try to set up some sort of date, and/or just see whats going on with her. I would also try and keep the conversation short. At least then you'll know whats up, and you'll have an answer,. I wouldnt wait, because you may just pass up a good opportunity. Never pass up a good opportunity.

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Well I might say something a tad different. I say be careful about calling her in that way. Is there a way you can send it through the grape vine you would like to call her? A mutual friend that has her number already should be able to ask her permission...or simply give her your number. I just think meeting this girl in passing is not quite reason to go hunting down her number. And even if you wait to see her, if she is interested, she will let you know.

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