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My family is driving me away! why?

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First I"m in my mid-20's.

OK, my family can't help but disrespect me, including my father.. just about everyone. They all think they are trying to help me and offer me advice that I didn't ask for. They are all bascially trying to tell me what to do, in my opinion. They also disrespect me, including my father. THey make me out to be a loser, etc. I just fell on bad times, and was just dumped and I don't currently have a job.. Do they go easy on me and understand this? NO.

I just feel like they are all in my business, and they just don't let me BE. I don't ask anything from them or bother them.


But I just don't understand why my family members including my father can't just leave me do what I want. WHy do they have the need to be in my business. I am going to do what I want anyway, and always do what I want. I


So now I'm fed up with this and plan on moving away.. becuase they won't ever stop. So what did all this harrssment they gave me do? It just drove me away. How did they benefit?


Does parents always look at their kids as kids, even when they get older?

Does anyone else out there have a family that bascially drove them to move away?

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Ok, that makes sense. Has it occurred to you that they are trying, in a very heavy-handed and misguided way, to try and get you motivated to get your life back on track. They may be doing it not because they dislike you but because they love you and want you to be happy.

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Well that means that you are asking for something from him: a place to live. Sorry, but tons of parents have a my way or the highway attitude when you live with them, it's not just you, don't feel alone. My question for you, is could you just ignore him? And then seek to re-arrange your life somewhat? By your mid twenties you could have already finished college if you are going to go, and be on track for a career. I'll tell you a secret that you may already know, but might not be acting on: start on a career path, any path, and just keep on going! If you get a job, you may get some of the respect you want. But, really please don't let your life become a dumping ground for anyone. If someone is consistently disrespectful, put as much space between them and you!





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I Know exactly what you are going through. I live at home with my parents, brothers, sister, niece, my boyfriend and my child. All I ever hear is why dont I do this or that or even go kill myself, move out. All my family does is talk * * * * about my bf, why won't he get a job. I'm to the point that i just want to tell everybody to f off and be done with them. I mean nobody is any better than me, I'm put down for having a child and still living at home, for not working, not being in school. Its only my first semester off and it is for medical reasons and I still hear * * * *. I could be having a gallbladder attack, laying on the floor crying my eyes out and my brothers would ask me why my mom had my son so much. I mean this is every day, all day. I not jump to conclusions over any criticism, Its horrible. HOWEVER! (sorry about the rant) It's because they dont like themself! Next time they give you * * * *, sak them why they are so miserable, why they take intrest in your life and pick it apart till you feel worthless. (not sure if i'm putting too much of myself in here) After I aaked my family why the hell they dont have winter jobs at 26 and 32, why they have no gf, why they are still home when im the one who needs help more, guess what. their * * * * *ing turned to "your spoiled, all you do is * * * * * and act like your the boss". Man if you want to im me or email me we could have a lot to talk about.

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