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Who does she choose?

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This is again one of those friends' problems. On my recent trip to disney world i got to know a girl who turned to be an amaning person. moving on, she recently started liking a kid that everyone thinks is a changed pervert that i know hasnt changed. The problem is that she has a boyfriend, who is a very nice and respectful person. The boyfriend has given her 12 days to pick which guy she likes, but who should she choose?

This would be easy except for the fact that when the boy who she recently statrted liking seems to have changed for the better when hes around or even not around her. What should i tell her?


Thanks (If u need any more info just ask!)

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if this new guy is a pervert wo ppl THINK have changed, u have to tell her that u kno he hasnt changed. Let her kno what u kno about him to prove this. Whichever guy u think is best for her tell her so, she will respect that a friend is loking out for her. But then again, if she is being this cruel to her present bf, makin him wait while she chooses, maybe its better for her to leave him, and let him find someone better than that.

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Catch him in the act lol... Hmm u could plead with her that u r just tryin to help her out and that u dont want her to be taken advantage of. U have to let her kno that he is a pervert, and that he in fact hasnt changed. Once a perv always a perv. ask her if she would lower herself to go out with him. I still think that if she has a bf there should be no question. She shouldnt even be thinkin of this other guy. Than again if the bf is stayin with her, than theres another problem. This is confusing to me to, what are some of the things that this pervert does to grls. Maybe if i kno what the things are i could help a little more. Im tryin to help ya, this is really tough if she wont believe you tho. Make her listen and let her kno there is no way of u being against this guy, but that u are just against him being WITH her. she is so important to you, that u cant see her lower her standards to him.


u could always bring the guilt trip up....say how could u do this to ur present bf? u r breakign his heart. u cant leave him for this other guy, no matter how great he is. How would u feel if "the bf" left u for another grl, who has a bad rep ne ways?


juts keep tryin, its in your friends best interest not to be with this pervert. good luck......if ya need more help post again. Lata PZ

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I agree that you shouldn't give up if you think it is against your friend's best in interests to choose this person. On the other hand, you must respect her decision based on all the information she has. In my experience, people almost always do what THEY want to do, and not what others want them to do. In fact, some people are more likely to rebel against what they're being advised. It's a catch-22 situation. You're just gonna have to play it by ear, and be careful that you don't alienate her with your attempts to influence her decision.

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i think you should do what you think is best for your friend. show her what this other guy is like. girls can usually tell when a guy is a pervert. most of them dont change. trust me!

tell her that you are just looking out for her best intrest. make her see that you care for her (which i kno you do) and that you are just making sure she picks the right guy.


what is her bf like? does he treat her badly? if so maybe she has been looking to get away from him. i dunno. talk to her. you really need to let her kno that you dont have anything against this other dude. and that you are just looking out for her.


hope this helped. if not sorry.

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