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Advantage By Numbers-I can't be the only one who knows this?

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Now this doesn't pertain to all the good men out there..... but it does pertain to why women accept men that aren't good.


It is all statistics. If there were more men than women- many more men would have to compete for women and be respectful and nice in order to gain a partner. Unfortunately, this isn' t the case- many cities have 3 women to 1 man ratios- or even worse (5 women to 1 man in DC and LA area). Many of these men are gay in these areas (so i am speaking of those interesed in heterosexual men).


One researcher discusses how so many men realize this advantage they have especially in areas where there is a significant advantage in numbers. At one particular college, there is a population of 65 percent women and 35 percent men. During orientation, several of the freshman men were were identifiying women as number 1,2,3, 4... because they were so outcumbered that they knew they could have any woman they wanted. A good portion of the females at this college had relayed they hadn't been on dates for several years .


Women put up because they are socialized that they will and should have a partner. Women want to be held at night and often have to share men because they don't want to live their life alone (they cherish even 1 hour of sex with a desirable man - it feels good to be with someone). I truly believe that much of the emotional abuse and uncommitted behavior women receive is because of the statistical inequality between men and women. If the reverse were true (and there were generally more men than women), believe me- men would be sharing women at the same rate we share men. It's merely economic theory of supply and demand- typically related to products we buy. As demand is high for a product (men) and supply is low for a product - quality goes down.


The same would be true if men outnumbered women (quality of women and how they treated men would go down).



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Hi Swingfox


The statistics wasn't an article. Just browse the US census to gather this information. The research, however, is based on interviews of women in areas where there is significant disadvantage to them.


But if look at an overall view, those areas where women greatly outnumber men in their respective age group- look at the census to see where these areas are (most cities in the US) (although I am not sure about the globe).... you're going to tend to find the numbers to be a salient contributing factor to why women so very often accept men who have multiple sexual relationships with other women. When I lived in Los Angeles- I did not have one date in 3 years (and I am a very attractive woman- and never had a problem getting a date when i lived in a more rural area where the numbers are somewhat more equal). Can you imagine 3 years of complete lonliness- and to find that a large number of women around you experience the same thing?


Black women especially face challenges of being alone because they outnumber black men even greater than white women outnumber white men in the US. Too many women blame themselves because they cannot find a mate and they ARE NOT AWARE of the statistical disadvantage that greatly contributes to their being alone. I unfortunately realize that it is possible I may never find someone who won't cheat on me-- unless a decent divorced man I come accross happens to be available.



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