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Just done it.....

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Hi Just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years


He was heartbroken but Ive fallen out of love with him and feel bad making our relationship go on. I know he isnt the one i want to spend the rest of my life with so it had to happen someday. I feel so nasty and cruel to hurt someone so much and im crying now typing this because i feel so bad.


This is for all those people that think it doesnt hurt the person doing the breaking up- only the one being broken up with- IT HURTS THIS WAY TOO


how can i stop crying??

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I'm sorry things had to end this way.


Your best bet is to move on cleanly. Don't give him hope for getting back together. I suggest going no contact for the both of you. You will move on in time. I would be honest with him if he asks you any questions. He is probably very confused and will spend the next several months of his life searching for answers. You may do the same.



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This is for all those people that think it doesnt hurt the person doing the breaking up- only the one being broken up with- IT HURTS THIS WAY TOO


how can i stop crying??


Of course it hurts for the person who does the breakup. I was the one who initiated my break-up with my most recent ex about a month ago ... and it hurt like anything! But you know you made the right decision if you knew he wasnt the right one for you. It hurts because it is sad, it is a loss, there were good times and the promise of a relationship that just didn't work out in the end ... and that 'relationship space' in your life that was filled with this person is now empty. So yes it will hurt, but you know you made the right choice and you will get past this hard period. You know you will.

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Good on you for making such a hard decision. A lot of people will just keep leading the peron on until they find someone else, soyou have done the honourable to him.


He will be really hurt and so will you, however, both of you need your space and no contact so both of you can start healing and moving on in your separate lives.

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It is very hard to break up with someone. I for one, could never do it. With my current ex that I still love, I lost my feelings for him earlier this year. He didnt cheat on me or anything like that. It was just that his drinking and his childishness really got to me after awhile. When I lost my feelings, I didnt know what to do so I pulled away from him and, after time, began treating him badly. He stayed for quite a while and tried to make amends to me and tried to find out what was wrong. I didnt want to break up with him because I thought that was a cruel thing to do considering most women in his life have broken up with him. Instead, I ignored him, pulled away from him, and treated him badly. This Sept he got the balls and broke up with me and started going out with another girl within two weeks. I was devastated and I tried to get him back and I still am trying to get him back.


Breakups s*ck big time. Wish they never had to happen.

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Hi Just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years


He was heartbroken but Ive fallen out of love with him and feel bad making our relationship go on. I know he isnt the one i want to spend the rest of my life with so it had to happen someday. I feel so nasty and cruel to hurt someone so much and im crying now typing this because i feel so bad.


This is for all those people that think it doesnt hurt the person doing the breaking up- only the one being broken up with- IT HURTS THIS WAY TOO


how can i stop crying??


Forgive yourself. You are doing the best thing for you and for him. You are both young. But, if you don't feel that this is the man you want to wake up to everyday for the rest of your life, then you are doing yourselves a big favor.


I think you did the right thing. Really. It's hard, but just give yourselves both time to heal. Good luck.

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Im so sorry to hear that! What you did took alot of courage because you realized that he wasn't the one for you. You didn't make excuses or became distant with him so that he would break up with you.


I was the one who could never break up with my girlfriends because I felt guilty and horrible, so I would find some way to sabotage the relationship so I wouldn't have to be the bad guy.


Its okay to cry because its just part of the healing process and its human nature.


The two of you have invested in alot of time together, and shared many great memories that will always be with you. You did what you thought was best for the two of you. Its going to take some time to heal from this break up, but it will also make you a stronger person in future relationships. GOOD LUCK...

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Thanks for your brilliant replies


I know its the best thing but its so sad to lose someone who you used to spend all your time with. I value him so much as a friend and i hate to see him cry because of me.


Looking on the brightside- i am looking forward to a fresh start going out with other boys and havin fun and not commiting myself to someone at such a young age


Thanks again

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