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Telling the truth when drunk?

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I was just wondering if, when you're really drunk, you tell the truth. I only ask this because I have one drink if any when I go out so I don't know. Also because my friend, while drunk, mentioned that this guy I like had confided in her that he liked me too. Is this wishfull thinking that she was telling the truth, or could she have just been making it up because of the alcohol?




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I was just wondering if, when you're really drunk, you tell the truth. I only ask this because I have one drink if any when I go out so I don't know. Also because my friend, while drunk, mentioned that this guy I like had confided in her that he liked me too. Is this wishfull thinking that she was telling the truth, or could she have just been making it up because of the alcohol?





If people told the truth when they were drunk, all courts would require the witnesses to have a few drinks before they testified on the stand.


She could be telling the truth, or she could have been drunk and thought it was a funny joke. You don't know! Why don't you be a little flirty around that guy, see what happens? Good luck

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There's this spanish saying that goes like this " there is no drunk man that will eat fire" basically it means even drunks don't do certain things...although I've seen some drunks do pretty stupid stuff.


So anyhow, when drunk our inhibitions are down and so is our better judgement...maybe it's like Annie said and she thought it'd be funny to tell you that guy likes you too. How does he act around you? does he talk to you?

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Oh ok thanks everyone.


Yeh he's pretty flirty around me. Teasing and giving cheeky smiles and things like that. When I do something doppy he lets it slide by moreso than he does with his other friends and remembers things I like (which isn't that obvious because I'm a HUGE creature of habit ). But then again that could just be cause he's feeding off my flirty behaviour.


I just didn't want to look at this guy with the feeling that I knew something that he didn't want to share with me. That's not to say that I'm upset that she might not be telling the truth. I'd actually prefer to not hear it like that if it's true. So thanks for putting things in perspective.



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It depends on the person. Some people when drunk will utter complete nonsense. Other people will let their guard down and say what they are thinking, stuff they would never say sober which is the truth. Hard to tell and you really have to look at who the person is to know for sure.


betty, about the guy, if you like him then why don't you say something to him? Try flirting with him?

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