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Giving a Blow-Job...How?


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I know this is going to sound childish, but I'm not exactly sure how to give oral to a male. My boyfriend asked me once if i wanted to...I said no...I felt horrible, because i know guys like/love it, and he was in the mood...but i dont want to hurt him in anyway. Just incase i make a mistake. Also i dont know what to do if he does cum in my mouth...do i spit it out? or do i just shallow it?... This is so embarrassing to ask..but i need to know.

Please help me.



Also, I need to ask...is it normal if a guy cums alot? Like about four times within 30-45 mins? My boyfriend is a teenager, i'm not sure if that will make a difference in your answer, just thought i would tell you. Thanks.



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hey. well the one guy ive been with...hes cum twice in one session. I think its normal. and blowjobs yeahh its nervewrecking but after the first couple of times you'll be more relaxed. just try and make sure your teeth dont scratch. and as far as cumming in your mouth its up to you what you do. the guy doesnt realllly care, the fact that you're doing such an act he knows is something that takes alot from you and he'll appreciate that. but dont worry about hurting him and communication is the key. later on talk about the experience, but for the first time dont put too much pressure on yourself. just relax (i know its harder to do than say) but try. just dont bite down or anything or let your teeth scratch it lol...other then that its fine dont stress about being "good" at it right now because its your first time and any first is awkward.

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If he cums often he shouldn't have that much. I would just swallow, there is nothing less sexy than a chick running around trying to find something to spit something into, it's not that much and it's already in your mouth.


You should talk to him about it. I actually just went through this with my partner. I had never done it before and was UBER nervous and couldn't do it. One night we had a couple of drinks and I decided to be adventurous. I asked him what he liked and he told me. I tried it and it wasn't that bad.


Make sure you suck...apparently there's nothing worse than just lips and no sucking. It's also apparently bad to remove the mouth a lot also so try to swallow spit with your mouth still on the penis. That takes some practice.


However, you should use your hands, don't be afraid to give your mouth a rest and to use your hands. I would also suggest not neglecting the testicles.

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Please forgive me if I am base and frank in this matter, and I mean to offend no one.


It has been my experience that woman don't really know what a guy wants out of a blow-job.


Its hard to explain but imagine that you have a popcicle that tastes so good that you can't help but to suck on it and to rub your tongue over it and to move around to the warmer areas of your mouth. Those are three things that woman don't seem to do enough with bj's.


Guys prefer is a girl swallow, I can't really explain it, its just way sexier. I do remember reading in more than one place that there isn't really any health risk from swallowing unless the guy has some STD in which case you wouldn't want to be doing the act anyway.


Just pretend that the guys penis tastes real good and you like having it in your mouth. I know that's easier said than done.. ok I don't know, but I could imagine it being hard.


Another idea, which may be really hard to get your guy into, is to simply ask him to suck your finger the way he would like you to suck his part. This may not be easy cause then it will put him on the spot and may make him embarrassed.


In the end, probably just talk to him, and while its nice and guys love it (not like, LOVE it) it is not something you "have to" do. But I would give it a chance more than once.


ps. some guys like the teeth touching part, especially if the girl is just sitting there not doing much.


Again, please forgive me if I came out as vulgar. I would like to express that if your young or uncertain about these things that you should not rush into them.

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Do not do anything you are not comfortable with doing. If the guy cares about you, he will not want you doing it if you are not ok with it. Do not feel like you are hurting or disappointing him, he should love and respect you enough to not be asking for it if you aren't comfortable with it. If you are going to do it, it should be because you want to.


If you do not want to swallow, do not swallow. You can make it plenty sexy without swallowing. Hold it in your mouth, take your finger and play with it, then spit it out. Or have him release onto another part of your body. Whatever you are comfortable with.


Also, should you decide to do it, do not focus on the taste. Focus on the guy. Look for clues that you did something that felt good - a moan, a sigh, a grunt, his eyes clenched shut in pleasure. The act itself is secondary to the idea behind it - that of a girl wanting so desparately to please the guy. If you are nervous or don't really have your heart into it, thats when it comes out not so good. But if you want to please him and are really enthusiastic, it will be fine.


And remember, you don't have to do it. The guy should be happy just to be with you.

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well, there seems to be a lot of comments about oral going on lately so I figure that I will just chime in also. i gave my bf oral for the first time last night and i wasn't sure if i was doing it right. i mean, i was really nervous about it, and wasn't sure how to exactly do it. i did it for what i thought was a long time, and expected my guy to come, but he never did. i mean, he obviously was enjoying it, but i just thought that guys come a lot quicker then that. especially since it was his first time too. was there something that i was doing wrong? not that you were there to know, but... i was just expecting it to be quicker and not have to stop before he finished you know. probably there is no real answer to this, but how long does it take for guys to come? i have never gotten my bf off (to my knowledge) and really want to. should it take a long time?


wow, i feel really embarrassed about just writing that

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How long is a long time? I know that they never go on for long enough (not sure whether its from me enjoying it to much or my partner being to good at it) but if I could prolong it for longer I would. I think its better than sex but that may just be me.


You may only learn from doing it more often & getting in tune with his body. Don't expect to know it all from one time (your BF may have to thank me for this) keep trying, I'm sure he won't mind you practicing

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