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:(get lonely sometimes...


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Well im 14 years old i have never had a girl friend yet. An usualy i dont think about it too much but sometimes i just really wish i ahd a girlfriend.but not jus someone that i just say shes my girl but actualy mean it too and her for me as well...and once in a while i get into a girl but they usualy dont like me more than a friend and all...well i guess what im trying to say is, well i cant quite word the question but i think you get what im trying to say

responses are appreciated

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i think you're kinda still too young to really appreciate a good relationship..

not saying you're not mature enough, but I think that you need to just learn from your girlfriends a little more, become more comfortable with the opposite sex and in a few years, I think you'll be drawing in the ladies!


lol don't be hasty bud, give it sum time

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Any one who is under 18 and crying about not having a girlfriend should be quiet. No offence, but you are friggin young and have tons of time. My advice take it easy, find out what kind of personality you are and be confident.


And for the 20 something guys, don't worry, I've know a good few guys who were really late bloomers but found very loving and intimate relationships. (One guy I knew had not kissed a girl till he was 25 and by the age of 27 was almost a player, though I do not support such things)

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Blink guy, I just want to say that for 14 you are very articulate. Most people I have seen who post in online forums that are in High School have very poor writing skills. It's refreshing to see someone 14 who can pu together clear sentences.


Anyways, yes you are young, yes it's not a big deal yet, but if you want some advice? It's never to early to start getting experience. Understand that 99% of relationships that start at your age never last. So if you get into a relationship anytime soon, chances are that it is simply going to be a learning experience.

Go to the link provided at the bottom of my post, in my signiture. I have a Dating Guide for Men that should be very useful to you, especially when you start getting a little older. It contains tips on how to avoid the "friendzone" trap and many other pieces of advice. I suggest you print it out and keep a copy somewhere. If you do one day you will be glad you did. I wrote it because I wanted to help guys like you because when I was like that I never had anyone help me. I wish someone would have because I probably could have got some of those girls I was crushing on.

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i agree, you are too young to be worrying about that stuff. i didnt have my first real boyfriend until i was 20. it has nothing to do with how good looking, smart, funny etc you are. alot of it is just due to chance, and alot of it is due to standards!! if you have high standards, you will start dating later in life, which is perfectly ok!!

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Blink guy- friends are more important than b/f and g/f's can EVER be. Cherish them, because they will be there for you when you need them most. I'm 18 and only had 1 b/f. True, I stress about it sometimes, but usually I'm just happy getting on with life, and a b/f will come along when I least expect it. Just relax, enjoy being 14 (I wish I was! no, thats not true, I don't fully wish that, just partly!) Everyone gets lonely, but you need to put into context what your worrying about (Don't worry, I blow things out of all proportion sometimes too!) and appreciate what you have in this life that makes you happy at the moment.



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you brought up a good point.


I believe that friends are more important that having a girlfriend/boyfriend. Before you two are a couple you are and should and have to be friends first and foremost, how are you ever going to know how to be happy with eachother otherwise ????


just be patient and from the impression I'm gettin, you're a cool cat, so don't sweat it, it will all come naturally if you can be genuine and natural ureself

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dude, I hear exactly what you're tryin' to say. I'm 19, never had a girl either but you know what, It isn't so bad. Sure, I wish I had someone to hold when I'm feeling blue but the truth is man, these things happen if they're meant to. I don't mean some outside fore or anything but rather that if two people are for one another, they'll naturally be close to one another. I wish I could tell you what it's like and how waiting is worth it but I can't dude but I can say from looking at other people, it sure seems like it's worth waiting

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